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This chapter is dedicated to Huzzy77777. Thanks for adding my book to your reading list, thanks for voting.


I looked into my room. My eyes were greeted with the sight of two children. A girl and a boy; twins.

"Kevin, do you like the surprise?" Mom asked. "You have juniors now." Dad said. "I... I..." I stuttered.

I stormed out of the room.

I don't even know what to say about it. First, Hailey goes, then these two kids who have been adopted by my parents, show up in my room, as my siblings. What the actual hell?

I don't know why, but I feel some sorta connection with the twins. Like, I know them. But as far as I can recall, I haven't met them.

"Kevin. Are you okay?" Jeremy asked. "Yes." I lied. "No. You're not." He said. "I know when you're saying the truth and when you're not. I know when something's bothering you. And right now, that is the case with you. Tell me, what's wrong, bruh?" He asked, tilting my head, to his direction.

"Should I tell you? I hope you won't tell anyone?"

"I won't."



"Let's say this together. Pinky swear, pinky..." I suggested.

"Oh! I know that. From the animé - 'Hunter x Hunter." He said.

"Yes. Talia sent it to me through my laptop. Let's say it. On 3. 1... 2... 3..."

"Pinky swear, pinky swear. If I lie, stick a thousand needles in my eyes. And seal it with a kiiissss." We chorused.

"Okay, spill the beans, Kev." He said.

"Two things. First, mom permitted me to pay Hailey a visit. I went and I didn't see her. What should I do? I haven't seen her for a long time. And when I finally decided to go see her, she wasn't there. Like what the actual hell? What should..."

"Calm down, Kev. You're ranting. Hailey, is she the girl you met last time?" Jem asked. "Yes."

"Has she been adopted?"


"Oh. Sorry about that. Do you perhaps have feelings for her?"


"No, I don't. I don't have feelings for her."

"You do. Your cheeks are turning red at the mention of her name. You care about her way more than you should. You have feelings for her."

"Hell no. I don't. Besides, I'm nine. I can't have feelings for a girl. I'm too young for that."

"Your age doesn't matter. You can grow feelings even at the age of nine. I know someone like that. A girl. She started growing feelings for this particular guy when she was seven. So it's possible." Jem said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. The second thing is that, I feel like I know the twins. I feel connected to them."

"Yeah. They're your siblings. You're bound to feel that way." He explained.

I know I'm bound to feel that way, but the way I feel is deeper than normal. It's like I know them.

"Kevin! Come." I heard mom call. "Yes mom."

"So do you like them?" She asked. "Of course I do."

"This is Sylvia and this is Sean. He said referring to the twins. The girl and the boy respectively.

"Hi!" They chorused. "Hi." I replied.


Well, they are actually nice. But I'm angry at them.

I don't get the treat anymore that comes with being the last born all because of them.


Well, this week was really fun. I played with the twins. We played basketball together. Dad set it up for us to play. So we can play basketball anytime we want to.

"KEVIN! I'M BACK!!" Mom screamed. "Yay!" I said, as I ran down the stairs excitedly. I saw those two people, called siblings. They were hugging her. I decided to go back to my room. Thankfully, we don't share the same room. They have their room, I have my room.

"Kevin, come." Mom said. *Imagine me saying this with an Australian accent*. Ha! In your face, suckers.

I hugged mom and she reciprocated.

"Go play, you two." Mom said to the twins.

"Kevin, come with me to my room." She said.

"I want you to try this on. I wanna see if it fits you."

Oh no! If I put it on here, she'll see my scar and then she'll ask questions, answers will be given, then I'd be in trouble. The bigger twins would beat me again. And I don't want that to happen.

"Here you go." Mom said, giving me a red shirt with my name Kevin Grey at the front. I saw her bring out more clothes, different colours. I think they're for the other members of the family.

"Mom, what's the occasion?" I asked. "We're gonna have 'Family Day' tomorrow." She said. "Oh."

I ran out of the room to wear the shirt in my room. "Kevin." Mom called. "Yes?"

"Put it on, here." Mom said. Uh-oh. Oh no! She can't see my scars. "Or come." She said. I shuffled my feet to where she stood.

Thankfully, I'm putting on a singlet, so she wouldn't see 'em.

She pulled my shirt and...


Nooo!!! I forgot to wear the singlet. Now, what will I tell her, what should I do? Oh no! I'm not ready to be beaten again.

I felt a teardrop roll down my cheek, thinking of how I'd get beaten because of this.

"Kevin answer me. Who did this to you?" Mom asked.

I felt my heart rate increase.

"It's... it's because..."

"Hello?" Finally! Thank you Lord for saving me. Her phone rang, she answered it.

I waited for over five minutes. She mouthed a go. I grabbed the shirt I wore earlier.

I went to the basketball court.

I ran with the ball, bouncing it. I increased my pace as I made a basket. Yes! The ball entered. I felt my heart beat really fast, due to the running. I did this three more times.

I bounced the ball with my left hand, I was about to throw it into the basket...

"Why do you have scars on your body?" Mom asked.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy. It was like the whole world was spinning around me. My head was also spinning. I could feel my heart rate increase. I felt weak. What if... what if I'm pregnant. According to what... Ky... Kyra said, these... are the... symp... symptoms.

"Kevin!" That was the last thing I heard, before I blacked out.


A/N: *gasps* What's wrong with Kevin? Why did he faint? Is he really pregnant. Who knows, he might have both male and female genitals☺🙃

QOTC 1: What's your zodiac sign?

AAOTC: Virgo♍♍😁.

Please feel free to inform me me if you see any mistake here.


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