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Hey y'all!!🤗

I know this story was on hiatus but if you can remember, in the second A/N, I clearly stated that 'if I see y'all are voting and commenting, then I'll try to update for you my lovely readers😘😘😗😗.'

I noticed that y'all read, voted and commented. Thank you so much, including the ghost readers. I'd like to dedicate a few chapters to the peeps that voted and commented, as a way of thanking them.

There's this very special friend of mine that voted and commented in each chapter. This friend of mine has been a darling right from the day we communicated. Thanks a lot dear. Without further ado, this chapter is dedicated to iWrite01 Thanks so much.

Thank you iWrite01 for adding my book to your reading list. Please go check out her books, add them to your reading list, vote, comment and share. Your gonna love her books😉. Prolly follow her😉😉.

And also, speaking of adding this book to your reading list, thanks to seibide for adding 'Shattered And Broken' to her reading list. She did not just add it to her reading list, but to her 'Legit' reading list. Like, do you know what that means?? Thanks so much.


I don't need no person to sympathise because of my situation, I prefer empathy.


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"Er... I'm... uhmm... I'm... g...go... I'm..." I stuttered. "Where? Cat got your tongue?" He asked. "Sorry. I was about to go... uhh... nevermind. I'm turning back." I said.

Neevveerr! I must see Hailey. "Better be." He said, as I strolled back to the house, stopping, as I heard his voice.

"I wonder where he wants to go. His parents said I shouldn't allow him to leave the gate. Poor boy. I'm having pity on him, cause he isn't allowed to go out." Pablo muttered under his breath. His Italian accent sounds so familiar.

"Hey! Who's that? Look before you throw! You almost stabbed my leg. Kids these days, so silly and naughty! Can't even say sorry. You know what? I'm coming there!

"Oh you little children. Naughty. For real, Imma come there and teach you a lesson."

Yes! Now I remember! He's the Italian guy, whose leg Hailey and I almost stabbed. I giggled at the thought.

Back to the situation at hand...

Okay. I know right from when I was younger, people had sympathy for me. Even up to this day?? I don't need no person to sympathise because of my situation, I prefer empathy. Empathy. Empathy. Empathy.

"Kevin, move! Weren't you about to go inside?" Pablo asked. "I was." I said, as I ran inside.

What should I do? How should I leave this house? I need an idea.

"Kevin, come. Please help me." Sam said. Oh no! I hope this doesn't take much of my time. "Okay." I said, as I made my way to the laundry. "Please help me to squeeze the water out of these clothes and place them properly on the rail, in the balcony. Can you do that for me? Well even if you say no, I'll make sure you do that. So either way, COME! And by the way, Pablo said you were about to go out. He said I shouldn't let you leave the house. So... HELP ME FREAK!!" Sam said. Screaming the last part.

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