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This chapter is dedicated to Sharon-Kibet. Thanks a bunch for your votes and comments. I'm really grateful. Well... Sharon-Kibet asked for Kira Kosarin a.k.a Phoebe to make an appearance so...


"Okay, I snuck out to meet Hailey, the day you went to grandma's. I'm sorry." I said.

Their faces held expressions I couldn't understand.

"Ke... Kevin why?" Mom asked. "Why did you disobey us?" She asked.

I stared at the tiled floor, realising that what I did was indeed, a bad thing.

"I'm sorry mom." I apologised.

"Why did you go? Don't you know you're a child? What if you got kidnapped? Or worse, what if you got hit by a vehicle? What would your mom and I have done?" Dad asked. Anger visible in his tone and eyes.

"I'm sorry. But you and mom go out always, yet you don't get kidnapped, you've never been hit by a vehicle. So why can't I go out?" I asked.

"Oh Lord! Just take a look at this lad. Listen to what he's saying." Dad said. "I didn't say anything wrong now, did I?" I asked.

Dad was about to slap me, thankfully, mom held his hand.

"Don't do that, dear. I'll make him understand." Mom said. "Whatever." Dad said, as he stormed out of the room.

"Kevin, there's a big difference between you and I." Mom began. A big difference between you and I? Does that mean she wants me no more?

"You are a child and I'm an adult." She continued. Oh, phew! "A child can't really take care of himself as much as an adult can." Mom said. She continued her long speech. I couldn't help but think about Hailey.

I wonder what she's doing right now. Is she thinking of me, the same way I'm thinking of her? Is she alright? I hope she isn't starving?

"That's all, Kevin. By the way, here's your toy." Mom said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I watched her as she brought out a red race car toy from her bag.

Wow! Is that... is that for... is that for me?

"It's yours." Mom said, handing it over to me. Wow! It's mine! It's really mine!

"Thanks mom." I said, as I ran towards the door. "Wait, Kev!" I heard mom say. "There's a surprise waiting for you downstairs. "Really? Thanks mom." I said.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, as I saw dad trying to get on the bicycle. He is old yet take a look at what he's doing. The dad I have.

"Come here, kiddo. I'm sorry for the way I reacted to what you told you told your mom and I." Dad said. No. I should be the one apologizing.

"Dad, I'm sorry for speaking out. If I hadn't done that, then you wouldn't have also acted that way. I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

"I forgive you. Let's put that behind us, okay?" He wrapped his arms around me. I reciprocated the hug.

This is for you." Dad said, his index, pointing the bicycle. "Thanks dad." I said, as I hurriedly got on it.

At first, it was hard, but little by little, I got used to it.

"Do you like it?" Dad asked, causing me to turn my head to look at him. My eyes weren't focused on where I was going, it was focused on him.

"Like it?? I love it!!" I said.

"INCOMING!!! UH-OH!" I heard an unfamiliar female voice say.

"Aaahhhh!" I screamed, as I almost collided with the girl. Dad pulled me back. I hope she didn't sustain any injury.

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