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Guys, I'm really sorry for the late update.

Thank you for your votes and comments on my story. Thanks for your support on SAB. I really appreciate it. Thanks for the 720+ reads, 243+ votes and 253+ comments. Thanks so much. Keep spamming me with your comments, okay😉? And the ghost readers too, thanks for reading. I hope one day y'all ghost readers will vote and comment🙂🚶🏽‍♀️ Thank you.

This chapter is dedicated to odiowei a very very special friend of mine. Thanks boo for your votes and comments on my story. Please check out her books. Don't forget to vote and comment. And prolly follow her😉. Thank you.


I hope mom and dad would agree to this.

"Hey. Don't think too much about that. They might agree." Dylan said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He sat on the bench, beside me.

"You said it yourself. They 'might' agree." I air-quoted. "Don't lose hope Kevin." He reassured. Well he reassured himself only. Coz that didn't move me one bit.

"Don't lose hope." I smirked. "That's one thing I've been telling myself since forever. I've always had this so called hope. Yet what's the result; nothing." I said with so much venom on the word; hope.

"Kevin, better days are ahead. They'll permit you to go for the tournament, so you'll go, okay?" Dylan said. "So what you're trying to say is, if they allow me, I'll go. If they don't, I won't go, right?" I said. "No. That's not what I meant. Kevin stop being pessimistic. Optimism is what you need right now." He said. "Words of wisdom, indeed. Well, I gotta be optimistic, even if I know they'd say no." I said, laying emphasis on the optimistic.

"Come. Let's go home. My brother is here." He said.

"Ask your parents. You never know, they might agree to this. Bye."

"Thanks bruh. I'll ask 'em. Hopefully, they'll say yes. Bye." I said, as I hopped down his brother's blue bugatti. I must say, this car is quite good looking.


"Mom, dad, please can I participate in the Basketball Tournament holding next Friday? Please?" I begged. "No." They said sternly. "Please." I pressed. "A no's a no." Dad said. "What if something bad happens and we're not there? What then?" Mom asked.

"Nothing's gonna happen to me. Besides, the both of you will be there." I said. "No. We'll be out of town next week. We're travelling on Thursday, which is tomorrow and we'll come back next week. We don't know when exactly." Dad said.

Here we go again. Arguing. They're always not around, travelling here and there. I wonder why the hell they travel.

"Please. I'll be careful, I promise." I said. "Careful or not, it doesn't matter. As far as you are playing the game, you are in danger." Dad said. "But dad, I promise I'll be careful." I said. "NO! WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? I CAN'T ALLOW YOU TO GO! YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM..."

"Honey no. This isn't the right time." Mom chipped in. I don't care about what I'm suffering from. That's a matter I'll address later. For now, nothing matters to me more than the Basketball Tournament.

"You know what? Just forget about it. But don't go." Dad said, storming out of the room in a fit of rage.

"Don't go Kevin." Mom pleaded. I silently walked out of the room.

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