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This chapter is dedicated to my sister Emma_Tee0234. Thanks dear for your votes and comments on my story. I really appreciate it. And thanks for adding my book to your reading list. Thanks sm love😉😉. Thanks for reminding me to update😁. I'd really appreciate it if you guys follow her. Thanks.


"Why are you leaving? I thought you were mummy's pet?" Jeremy asked, they just had to come home now and ruin my plans. Uggh. All was going smoothly until they showed up.

"Me?" I asked, knowing fully well, he was referring to me. "Yes." He said. "Mummy's pet??? Hell no!!!" I exclaimed.

"Kevin, it doesn't matter if you deny it or not. You are mommy's pet."

That voice belongs to the one person I despise so much right now; the woman that wasn't forced to adopt me, but eventually did.

I carried my backpack and ran away from the house. I heard their voices behind me, telling me to stop. But no, I've made up my mind. I don't want to stay here anymore.

I was about to leave the gate, when someone called my name. This person, is someone I have grown to love. This person is one, who is so nice to me.

I turned to look at her. Why is she...

"Kevin. I ran as fast as I could, after I heard that you were about to leave." She explained.

"I'm supposed to be in school. But I came here because of you. Please don't go. I'll miss you if you do. You're not a disturbance to us, Kevin. We're your family. We love you more than you can imagine. Not sure of the others, but I'm sure that your parents and I, love you more than you can imagine." Kyra said.

Her words were really comforting. If only they were as true as they sound.

"I want to go. I don't want to stay here." I said. She came closer to where I stood, cupping my face in her soft palm.

"Kevin, listen to me. I don't know what you heard that's making you feel this way, but whatever it is, I know it isn't entirely the truth. Maybe you should have listened further..." She trailed off.


"You cheated!" I said, as I lost the game we were playing, chess.

"Of course I did. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta refill my almost empty tummy, with some tacos." Kyra said. "It's not fair." I said. "Of course, darling. It isn't. Should I get you some as well?" She asked. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I exclaimed, excitedly.


"Mom please, I really wanna go to your place of work with you, please?" I asked, pouting. "No. I don't want you to get ill. Please understand." She said. "Mom, pwease, pweety, pweese??" I asked, giving her my cute puppy dog eyes. There's no way she'll say no to this. I know it's girly. What do you expect me to do when I live with a lot of girls? So ya see? It ain't my fault.

"Kevin. Don't make me agree to this." Mom said. Yes! It's working. I did the puppy dog eyes again, my lips pouted. "Pwease mom?"


A/N: Few more chapters to go!!!

QOTC: What flavour of cake do you prefer?

AAOTC: I prefer red velvet flavoured cake.

#YourVoteMatters #YVM


Over and out🤗🤗✌✌

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