SAB 12: NO!

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This chapter is dedicated to Funkihunni Thank you so much for your votes and comments. And thanks to y'all for your votes and comments. And to the ghost readers, thanks for reading. I really hope you'll vote... someday.


"Mom, please I want to go." I whined. "No, Kevin. It's dangerous." She said. "Moommm. Please."

"No, Kevin. If you need anything, let me or dad know. We'll get it for you." Mom said. The actual hell? I need to go.

So you're probably wondering where and why I want to go. I need my own money. I don't want to rely on my parents for money. I have a keen desire to be independent.

The day before yesterday, which was Monday, Dylan, my best bud, introduced me to The Golden Café; where I can work as a waiter, The Memories; a studio, where I can work as a photographer, and Pleasure Hotel and Suites, where I can work as a receptionist. I'll work for a few hours though, considering the fact that I go to school.

I want to work at The Memories and Pleasure Hotel and Suites. Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday, I'll work at Pleasure Hotels and Suites. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, I'll work at The Memories. I have passion for Photography. The main reason I'll spend more days at the hotel, is, who knows? I might meet my real mom.

Days go by, time flies, turning days to weeks. Time flies, turning weeks to month and months to years. As each of these pass by, I can't help but grow hatred for my real mom. She abandoned me in the orphanage, not caring how I'd feel when I grow older.

Oh great! Dad's here.

"Dad please, I want to work at The Memories and Pleasure Hotel and Suites. Please." I said.

"Not this again. Kevin, no. What if something happens to you? You shouldn't stress yourself." Dad said.

"Don't stress yourself. Don't stress yourself. I've been hearing that for a long time now. Why shouldn't I stress myself? It's not like I'll die or something, if I work. I need my own money." I said.

"Kevin you wouldn't understand. But please, don't work. You're too young for that." Mom said.

"I'm too young for that? That excuse isn't good enough. You guys don't want me to be happy, I know. You don't want me to work because you want me to ask you for things whenever I need 'em. And that's not fair!" I stormed out of the room.

I heard mom whisper to dad; "I wish he knew. He wouldn't have acted this way. He would have understood that we're only protecting him."

They're keeping secrets from me huh? So much for being great parents.


*In School*

"Hey Dylan." I hugged him. He reciprocated the hug. "Hey Kevin." He said.

"Hey guys." Mia said. I think she said it to Dylan.

Mia Simpson and Dylan are currently in a relationship. While her friend, Scarlett Hunter has a huge crush on me. But I don't have feelings for her.

"Hey Kevin." Scar said. "Hey." I replied. "Let's get to class, shall we? We're running late. The bell had been rung approximately eight minutes ago." Mia said, interlocking her fingers with Dylan's.

"Accompany me." Scarlett said, as she ran her fingers through her brown hair. She interlocked her fingers  with mine. I yanked my hand out of hers. "Please don't do that." I said, licking my lips. "Don't do that too." She said, looking at my lips like a hungry lion ready to strike its prey. "Whatever." I said.

"Kevin Grey, Scarlett Hunter, Mia Simpson and Chris Brown. Why are you late?" Mrs Peterson asked. "We're sorry. And for the record, my name isn't Chris Brown. It's Dylan Brown." Dylan said, making the class to chuckle.

"How dare you correct me?" She said. Teachers like this feel they're above everyone else. They feel they shouldn't be corrected.

"You made a mistake and he's correcting you. No biggie." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "Kevin Grey! How dare you talk to me like that? Where are your manners?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "Come with me." She added. She led me to the hallway.

"Kevin, don't be rude. It doesn't suit you. Be polite. Don't talk back to your teachers." She lectured. I gave her a deadpan look, making her feel like she was saying trash. Because honestly, she was. She continued her lecture.


We were in the cafeteria when suddenly we heard Principal Olivia's voice blaring through the speakers.

"Announcement: Cherry Academy has decided to organise a basketball tournament. And our prestigious institution; Bloom High, has been selected as one of the participants. Interested students should report to the basketball court immediately."

Finally! I ain't gon' spend time with this clingy brat. Phew!

"Cheerleaders should also report to the basketball court. Thank you." She added.

Oh no! Scarlett and Mia are cheerleaders. Damn!

We made our way to the basketball court.

"Y'all should write your names on this piece of paper." Mr Scott, our coach said. There are two things I like about him. His Australian accent and the fact that he plays basketball.

"When y'all go home, ask your parents if you can represent the school. If they agree, a written note with their signatures should be handed over to me tomorrow. Dylan Brown, Kevin Grey, Morris Henderson and Becca Hills, whether you like it or not, you're representing the school. That doesn't stop you from asking your parents." Coach said.


But the problem is; will my parents agree to this?


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Stay Safe

Much love,


Over And Out✌✌

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