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GAARA FOUND THIS NEW WORLD unfathomable. He had been here for nearly a month now yet the questions just kept growing and growing.

How technologically advanced were these people? What was the extent of their machinery? If the people from their world had half of the technology from here, it'd be revolutionary. The citizens would benefit a lot from their modes of transportation like the cars, trains, and airplanes. Though they seemed to be lacking in the medical and genetics department, which he found odd.

What was the point of having all these countries? What was it Sakura had said—there were nearly two hundred countries in all with their own respective languages. He wondered what the wars were like with so many sides fighting. The wars back home were devastating enough and there were only five great nations.

Another thing were the laws... He just didn't understand them. They had legal adult ages, laws against murder (even self-defense could get you time behind bars), laws against using your own power, etc. etc. He thought it was too much. Especially the schooling system. The children here started off at age 4 or 5, which was good. It was a few years earlier than most Academy students. But it was the graduating age that bothered him. They graduated at eighteen, and even then they had further education to go for. He thought it was ridiculous. Eighteen was too old to just start a career. Could you imagine starting off your genin years at eighteen? You'd be a laughingstock.

The people here focused on age too much, they were ignorant on the experience part. To them, an experienced twelve year old would be considered a child while an eighteen year old who could barely take care of themselves would be seen as an adult.

The only thing he liked about this place were the clothes. He glanced down at his 'jogging pants' that he was very fond of. Even though this particular one had a weird 'L' and 'V' printed on every inch of the fabric, it was super soft and comfortable just like all the other jogging pants he 'owned'. The shoes were also really nice. They looked they'd weigh a lot, but they were surprisingly light and they were practical because they covered his toes.

Why the Shinobi Nations continued to sell open-toed sandals escape him.

There is nothing interesting going on, he commented boredly as he skimmed through the channels. All that was showing were reality TV dramas where everyone was yelling, movies where everyone was having sex, and kids' cartoons where everyone was singing.

It had been like this ever since they stepped foot into this backwards world. He wished for some grand enemy to appear and engage him in a battle to the death. Anything to get rid of this boredom.

He stopped flipping through channels when he reached a particular news channel showcasing the familiar UA school. There were a bunch of reporters harassing unfortunate students and teachers, all screaming about an 'All Might'.

Who? He asked himself, before he remembered the buff blonde from the library computer screen. Ah, that was right. He was the hero who liked to punch stuff and yell out weird names like jutsu.

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