All Aboard

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You boarded the train with just a backpack and a disinterested attitude. You were going back to your home in Sendai after visiting your cousin in Tokyo for the past week since you finally got a break from work. You began working a part time job while attending university right after graduating from Shiratorizawa, so you hardly had any time to visit your family anymore. After the relaxing, fun week you had, you didn't want to go back to reality!

Sighing, you chose a window seat towards the back of the train car. You popped in your headphones, turned on your favorite band, and looked around the car. It was pretty crowded, it being the weekend and all, but you didn't have a seat neighbor so that was nice.

Ah, you spoke too soon.

Panting, a lanky male slid into the seat next to you just as the train doors began to close. Upon closer inspection, you saw he had a Shiratorizawa keychain on his backpack, but this guy seemed like he was about your age, so he had to have graduated already. He caught you looking at him, so he flashed you a wide grin and shifted to get more comfortable in his seat. At least he didn't make things awkward!

Looking away from the male, you turned towards the window and rested your head against your arm, observing the scenery as the train slowly started to move past it. You stayed like this for a while until your music suddenly cut off. You looked down at your phone and couldn't help but groan out loud.

Your battery had died. Damn. Now what were you going to do to pass the time?

"Phone died?"

You looked up in surprise at the voice that came from your neighboring seat.

"Ah, yeah.. I was up all night packing for my trip home and forgot to charge it."

"A rookie mistake," he jested, "now it looks like I'll have to be your entertainment for the rest of the trip."

"Oh no, you don't have t-"

"-Lucky for you, I'm an entertaining guy," he interrupted you with another quite contagious grin.

"Well it looks like there's no helping it then!" You adjusted so your body was turned towards him, since he did promise entertainment.

"Oh, by the way, I saw you had a Shiratorizawa keychain on your bag? I went to school there a few years back."

"Oh? Maybe that's why you looked so familiar," the male rubbed his chin and looked at you in thought.

"Wha- you recognize me? I hardly spoke to anyone there, you must be mistaken," you laughed.

"Mmm, did you speak with anyone on the boys volleyball team by chance?"

When he said that, it clicked for you.

"Oh my god. You're the one that called Eita-san Semisemi! Never thought I'd run into you again! I'm (L/N) (F/N)."

"Satori Tendo at your service! Ahaha, you had that boy wrapped around your pretty little finger, I'd never seen him act like that for anyone," he laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"What do you mean?!"

"Oh please, don't pretend you didn't know! That boy would come running at your beck and call. Hell, he would've kissed the ground beneath your feet if you asked him to!" It was your turn to shake your head, what was this guy talking about?

"No way! We grew up together so we were just really close, that's all!"

"Riiiiiight, that's always the excuse," Tendo chuckled under his breath. "Say, you talked to him in a while? I just made plans with him to go out for drinks tonight actually, if you wanted to come."

"Oh I wouldn't want to intrude!"

"Trust me, you wouldn't be. Plus, then I can prove to you how crazy he was about you," he grinned, a challenging glint in his eyes. Well, it was true you hadn't seen your old friend in a while.. Plus talking with Tendo proved to be really fun!

"Oh, why the hell not," you flashed an relaxed smile at your seat neighbor.

"WAH! TOO BRIGHT!" He put his hands up as a pretend shield from your smile.

"Oh shut it," you playfully nudged his arm, laughing.

Well, it looks like today had turned into an eventful day after all!

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