Just One of The Guys ™️

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After the train stopped at your hometown station, you and Tendo parted ways, but not without exchanging contact information first. He waved you goodbye, promising to call you later to tell you what time he'd be picking you up.

Oh yeah, he offered to pick you up tonight to go to the bar together. You were genuinely surprised at how easily you two got along, because you hardly spoke more than two sentences to the guy before today. Regardless, you were excited to get out tonight for a change!

Anyways, you had to get ready for the said get-together now. After washing off the day's travels in the shower, you went through about 50 different outfits until you decided on 'the one.' You wanted to look so casually cute it would look like you didn't have to try.

Pick one:

Pick one:

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Just as you had finished getting ready, your phone rang

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Just as you had finished getting ready, your phone rang.

"Hey (nickname)! I'm almost there~," Tendo's voice rang out on the other line. Soon enough there was a knock on your door. As soon as you opened the door he scooped you up into a twirling hug (idc how tall you are, this happened. He is tall boi anyways 😤).

"You act like we didn't just see each other," you laughed into his chest, seeing as how he still hadn't let you go.

"I know you're just as excited to see me," he stuck his tongue out at you jokingly once he finally released you. Then he offered you his arm.
"Shall we, milady?"

"We shall," you mocked his posh accent as you linked arms and let him lead you out to his car.



That was the only thing thing you felt as Tendo swerved his car in and out of traffic, slamming on his brakes just as quickly as he accelerated. Nope, scratch that. You also felt sick.

You tumbled out of the car as soon as Tendo parked the car, tears of joy streaming down your face now that you were done with that ride from hell. Tendo walked up to you and slung his arm around your shoulder before ruffling up your hair.

"Stop being dramatic, it wasn't that bad!" The deadly glare you sent him shut him right up, and he walked quietly into the bar with you.

"EITAAAAA!" You ran to greet your long lost friend, jumping into his arms. He hugged you back tightly, telling he missed you in a voice so quiet you could hardly hear him. You understood him nonetheless, and you gave him a wide smile as you pulled away.

"You haven't changed a bit, (F/N)," he gave a soft smile.

"I better have changed some, I thought I finally got rid of my baby face," you puffed your cheeks out in a fake pout.

"Not with that expression," Tendo jumped in, pinching your cheeks until you gave him a real pout and swatted his hands away. Both he and Semi laughed at your antics. They both looked at each other and gave each other a bro nod- no words were spoken but nothing was left unsaid (A/N: an eagle flies off in the distance and I wipe a tear from my eye).

After the initial greetings, Semi shows you and Tendo to the booth he got for your reunion. But... what the hell were Ushijima and Reon doing there?! You searched Tendo's eyes for any sign of surprise at the additions to your party, but he just grinned at you and gestured for you to sit in the booth. That little... he knew they would all be here the whole time! It wasn't that you had anything against the others, you just didn't socialize very often and felt like you were crashing their reunion. Regardless, you found yourself sandwiched between Tendo and Semi on one half of the booth.

"Everyone, this is (L/N) (F/N)," Semi introduced you to Reon and Ushijima. Reon said hello and introduced himself to you, whereas Ushijima just grunted. It was honestly more than you expected- you had encountered him one time back in high school and found he was not one for small talk.

"Shirabu and Goshiki are coming a little later, so we can get started without them," Reon announced to the table. Hold up... There were MORE coming?!
"I'm going to get a drink, you want anything (F/N)?" Semi rested his hand on your arm.

"Hmm, I'll take whatever they have on draft for now, thanks Eita!" you smiled at him.

Once he walked away, Tendo nudged you. "Let me see your hand."
You let out a "huh?" but held your hand out to him anyways.

"Hmm, that's strange. I was expecting to see SemiSemi wrapped around this little finger right here," he grinned, wiggling your pinky.

"Wha- he just offered to get me a drink since I'm not on the end of the seat to get out! You're crazy," you laughed and shook your head at him.

"Hey Reon, don't you think Semi used to be whipped for (n/n)?" Tendo averted his eyes from you, still fiddling with your fingers with his slender ones.

"I don't know if I'd say whipped, but I do think he liked you a lot," Reon nodded to confirm what Tendo was spewing. Ushijima even gave a slight nod, and that man is as oblivious to feelings as they come.
"Wow.. If even Ushijima knows... I FEEL SO BAD NOW, THANKS A LOT TENDO," you whined dramatically at the red head next to you.

"Now now my little (n/n), you were young and naive." Before you could retort, Semi came back with your drink.

"So, what'd I miss?"

Tendo took a deep breath, about to blab about it all. You slapped a hand over his mouth, shooting him a glare before giving a close-eyed smile to Semi. "Oh, you know. Just Tendo being Tendo."
That seemed to be enough explanation, as Semi nodded and took a sip of his beer. You let out a tiny exhale and relaxed... until Tendo licked the palm that was still plastered on his mouth.

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