Breaking News

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Now that it was the weekend and everyone was off work, you and Tendo were faced with the first trial in your relationship: telling the others.

At a first glance it didn't seem like it would be that daunting of a task, but Tendo spoke some truth. The other guys were very protective of you, and it was probably because they like you in some fashion as well. Never in your life had you had to face this kind of situation, so you were at a loss for what to do. Nonetheless, Tendo promised to stay by your side and help figure out a way to tell them all properly.

This brings us to you panicking, pacing back and forth in the front hall of your house while Tendo tried to reassure you.

"Do we just come right out and say it? Or do we wait for someone to notice? Shout surprise when they come in? Should they just come across your belongings in my house? Do we-"

"Babe, relax. I know it's scary, but we're going to tell them together. They're our friends, so they'll be happy for us.. after their initial shock. Honestly I'm still shocked that you're mine.." he trailed off.

You stopped pacing and crossed your arms at his falling confidence. He mentioned often that you were too good for him even though you found that to be utterly ridiculous. You marched right up to where he stood and kissed him gently, trying to show that he deserved you and more. Only right at that time, the door flung open, and Shirabu and Goshiki's jaws hit the ground.

"(Y/N)... you... and... NO!" Goshiki's head was practically steaming as he tried to grasp the situation. Tendo wrapped his arms around you from behind.

"That was so not how we intended that to go."


You were fidgeting on the couch as Shirabu angrily paced the floor of the living room and Goshiki whimpered in the back corner. Ushijima and Reon had also shown up, confused at the strained atmosphere. Semi finally came in and greeted everyone.

"So (Y/N) and I have some news-"

"-NO! I refuse to hear it!" Goshiki shouted over Tendo. Everyone turned in surprise at his outburst, and you sunk further into the couch. You definitely didn't want them to react like this.

"Goshiki, man up! Do you think it's fair to (Y/N) to act like this? She was so worked up over telling everyone we were dating so that nobody would get hurt, and now you're making her feel like shit because you don't want to hear her out!" Tendo pulled your head to his chest and angrily spoke to his junior.

At this point, the cat was out of the bag. You took Tendo's hand and he looked down at you in surprise, not expecting you to look so determined.

"Well, you heard him," you chuckled sheepishly, "he and I are dating but this is definitely not how I intended this to go." Tendo squeezed your hand lightly and gave you a small smile.

Reon was the first to speak up.

"I've honestly been waiting for this to happen, congrats guys! I'm so happy to see it," he smiled warmly at you with a slight nod.

"Yeah, me too," Ushijima spoke in his deep tone, but you could tell he was being genuine with his words.

"As much as I want to be angry at you Tendo, I can't. And (Y/N), as disgusted as I want to be, you have my full support," Semi sighed out. That was as close to his approval as you would get, so you were happy with it.

Shirabu grunted, clearly still angry but also still expressing that he'd eventually come around to the idea of you and Tendo. Goshiki just sat in silence with his arms crossed.

"Do you mind if I talk to him in the other room for a second," you spoke quietly to Tendo. He nodded, letting your hand go.

"Tsutomu, can you come with me?" He quietly followed you into the kitchen. The guys exchanged raised-eyebrow glances with one another, wondering what you were going to say to him.


"(Y/N) you can't possibly be dating Tendo."

"Tsutomu, let me talk." Your firm voice shut him right up.
"I was counting on you to be the one to take this well, I thought that you were the most understanding and levelheaded, so this kind of hurt me. However, I do understand that I hurt you as well, and that was never my intention. So for that, I apologize. However, I will not be apologizing for who I date, because that is something I think is unfair to me and Tendo both."

"No, (Y/N), I don't mean to be so emotional and angry about this.. I just.. I see you as an older sister figure now I think.. I just don't want to see you get hurt or anything.." Goshiki spoke quietly with his head down.

"Look at me," you paused for him to pick his head up, "I value your opinions so highly Tsu. You are one of my favorite people, and one that I trust the most too! I really appreciate that you're worried for me, but I also want you to know I can handle myself. Plus, if Tendo ever did hurt me, I know I'd have you and the rest of the guys behind me too. That's why I can fall into this relationship so easily, because I have such a great support system," you beamed at him, his smile matching yours. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him, his hand rubbing your back.

"I'm sorry I reacted so harshly before- I can't lie, it'll take some getting used to.. But if it's for you, I'll do it."

You planted a chaste kiss on his cheek, "You're the best little brother in the world! Thank you, Tsu."

You dragged him back into the living room. Tendo saw you and immediately stood up, ready to come to your aid should you need it. You smiled at him to reassure him everything went well, and reclaimed the spot on the couch next to him that you had earlier. The only difference, now, was that you had Goshiki planted right next to you too.

You let out a happy sigh, a content smile resting on your face as you listened to the humorous conversations of the people surrounding you. Tendo's face softened watching you, and he patted your thigh before resting his hand there, both of you feeling like all was right with the world.

Alright guys, I feel like this might be a good ending spot? Idk? Or should I do a lil epilogue, a lemon, etc? I don't know what other directions to take this (unless my brain goes on crazy productivity mode and I come up with something), so if you have any recommendations/things you might like to see, please let me know!! Love you all!

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