Who's Your Cousin?!

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After you attended the volleyball match with everyone, you found that they began to include you in all of their plans. You weren't complaining- in fact- you were ecstatic about it! You genuinely loved spending time with each and every one of them and were glad the feelings were mutual. On this particular day, you invited the gang to your house for a movie night.

You were all on the couch/floor surrounding the couch, watching a low-grade horror flick paired with beers and popcorn. Instead of getting scared, you were all laughing at how cheesy some parts of the movie were, and it was pretty fun! During a particular lull in the movie, Tendo draped his leg over yours and spoke up.

"So I've been wondering.. even after all those years of knowing Semi, he never tried to teach you volleyball?" Semi shot him a glare, but Tendo ignored it.

"Oh, it wasn't his fault! I'm sure I was pretty unteachable, hell even my own cousin and his friends didn't teach me!"

"Your cousin plays?" Everyone's interest was piqued now.

"Mhmm! I don't know if you know him though, he went to Aoba." Based on the stiff reactions you got, you continued cautiously, "Iwaizumi Haijime, he's my cousin on my mom's side."


"Yeah! I guess I would've told you sooner if I knew it'd be this big of news for everyone," you laughed, still not understanding the reactions of your friends.

"So then, by his friends do you mean Oikawa?"

"Yeah, he was always over whenever I would visit Haijime so we grew up together."
Ushijima's face froze with his mouth slightly ajar. Tendo was cackling at Ushijima, but the rest of the guys were pretty much in shock still too.

"You guys don't like Oikawa I take it? He's definitely a lot to handle, I can see why."

"It''s not just that, but he was invited to come to Shiratorizawa and rejected the offer to play at Aoba," Tendo explained, still the only one not reacting with shock. You nodded, thankful that he was able to explain the situation since nobody else was speaking up. You made a mental note to not bring up Oikawa's name in conversation- ever.

A woman on the TV dramatically screamed as the antagonist chased her with a chainsaw, snapping everyone out of their reverie.
"Do you hang around your cousin and his.. friend often then, (F/N)-chan?" Goshiki spoke up hesitantly.

"Not so much anymore, we're all too busy to make frequent visits anymore," you smiled gently in response.

Shirabu pointed and wiggled his finger at Goshiki before blurting, "You... you used her first name!"

You giggled, "I told him he should. Honestly, all of you should! Hearing my last name sounds so.. stiff." You shuddered dramatically.

"Well then.. you don't have to tell me twice!" Tendo grinned, the rest of the group agreeing you should use their first names as well.

You clasped your hands together, "Good! Now that that's all settled, who wants another beer?"

"Me!" at least three voices rang out, so you went and grabbed another for everyone.


Once the movie had finished, everyone was sitting around and just relaxing, having small conversations here and there.

"So (F/N)-san, you said you grew up with Oikawa?" Ushijima surprisingly started to speak with you.

"Yeah, I've known him since I was probably nine years old. And yes, he was always just as bratty as he is now," you gave a small smile to try and ease some tension.

Reon chuckled at this, having gotten over the initial shock of the situation. Then he asked, "So does that mean you're one of his fan girls?"

"Oh GOD no, I would rather forfeit my firstborn child than ever chase after that bird brain," you feigned gagging before laughing with him.

"Well that's a relief, I thought Ushijima was going to stop speaking to you altogether if not."

"I wouldn't do that. I'd consider it though," Ushijima mumbled. That made everyone else laugh too, the stiff atmosphere lifted entirely now.

"So does that mean you have dirt on him then?" Tendo asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oh do I ever," you grinned back, shifting in your seat to get into story-telling mode. Everyone leaned forward in anticipation as you told them one embarrassing story after another about your experiences with Oikawa.

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