Awkward Reunion

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Your cousin texted you saying he had a free weekend and wanted to come visit you. Of course you agreed, your cousin was practically your best friend! This also meant that Oikawa was probably going to weasel his way into tagging along as well..
Oh well.

You had the bright idea of introducing your friends to Iwaizumi, now knowing they knew of each other. You figured he would appreciate knowing you were in good care with them here, because he had always been very protective over you. Who could blame him though, you were practically raised as siblings.

Anyways, that leads us to the now. Now as in.. you were going to meet Iwaizumi at the train station now.

You spotted his spiky hair as he got off the train.

"HAJIME!" You took a running leap at the poor guy and he had to drop his bags to catch you. He didn't protest though, and instead gave you a bear hug back.

"Why don't you just move closer to me already, this 'only seeing my sister every couple of months' thing kinda sucks ya know."

"Or, and hear me out, you could move closer to me," you grinned, finally unlatching yourself from him. He returned the smile before seemingly remembering something annoying.

"Oh, and I hope you don't mind there's a walking trash bag that insisted on following me here.." Iwaizumi visibly grimaced as Oikawa popped his head out from behind him.

"Yahoo, I missed you too (F/N)-chan! Do I get a hug like tha-"


"Come on, no fairrrrrr! I want to have a loving reunion too!" he whined.

"You don't get to say anything having to do with love to her, you got it?" Iwaizumi angrily whacked Oikawa's head, cutting him off from whining anymore since he was too busy massaging the bump that was now forming on his head.

You showed them the way back to your home, happily chatting the whole time and updating on each other's lives.

"Ah, here we are!" You gestured with your hands before letting them inside. "You can put your bags upstairs, the first room on the right. Bathroom is at the end of the hall."

They put their things away following your directions before joining you back down in the kitchen. You were cutting up an apple, Iwaizumi stealing a piece before you were finished. You just shook you head and smiled.

"So, you guys have anything in specific you want to do while you're here?"

"Honestly I'm not sure what all is around here anymore, it's been so long. Maybe we could meet those friends of yours you told me about though..?" Iwaizumi tried to nonchalantly suggest it, but you caught on easily.

"Oh sure, as long as you promise not to threaten their lives," you grinned back, knowing he'd probably be way too overprotective upon meeting them and seeing who they actually were. You didn't disclose their identities with him prior to this trip because you knew he would drop everything to come "rescue" you like a damsel in distress. Even though you weren't a damsel, nor were you in distress, he wouldn't listen to reason knowing you hung out with a group of six guys that just so happened to be his former rivals.

"I promise," he grumbled.

"Hey, that goes for you too Tooru," you whirled around to point a finger at the other male in the room.

He put his hands up in front of him, "Okay okay, I promise too!"

"Alright good, I'll call them up and tell them to come over!"

"You're inviting them here? Aren't they guys? You shouldn't invite men over so easily (F/N)," Iwaizumi lectured you.

"Would you rather we meet them at a bar?"

"..I guess not.. Since I'm here I guess them coming over is fine."

"Hey, don't forget what you just promised!" He reluctantly nodded. That seemed to be enough to appease you, as you pulled out your phone with one last warning glance in his direction before calling up your friends to invite them over. They all agreed quickly and set out for your home, already previously debriefed by you about the situation.


"No. (F/N)-chan, what the fu-,"

"HEY. Tooru, you PROMISED. Be nice," you massaged your temples, already exasperated. Iwaizumi growled behind you, but a quick glare in his direction shut him up. Your friends had hardly made it a single step through the doorway before Oikawa started going off about who they were.

"(F/N)-chan, I agreed to that before I knew it was these guys," Oikawa whined to you, stepping in front of you to 'protect' you.

"Oh come on, that rivalry was years ago and you're all doing bigger things with your lives now. Can't we just move past it?"
Oikawa stuck up his nose and crossed his arms, not saying anything besides a small 'hmph!'

"Well, I assume you all know each other but I'll introduce you anyways.. This is my cousin, Hajime, and you know Shittykawa here too."

Tendo let out a 'pfffft,' causing Oikawa to glare at him before looking pleadingly at you and whisper-yelling, "(F/N)-chan, you make me sound so uncool! Don't be like Iwa-chan." He most definitely got whacked on the head for that one, from both Iwaizumi and you.

"I was just about to make some food, does anyone have any requests?" you asked the crowd that was still gathered in your entryway.

"Do you have the ingredients for curry? That was really good the last time you made it," Reon spoke up to break the uncomfortable silence as Oikawa glared daggers at your friends and Iwaizumi pouted, feigning indifference.

"Hey, you don't get to tell her what to do!" Oikawa pointed a finger at Reon, who put his hands up in defense.

"OI. Stop it, I thought you could be more mature about this," you practically growled at him. "Yes Reon, I can make curry. That sounds good, and it shouldn't take too long either," you said in a much nicer tone. He nodded, a sweat drop appearing on his temple at this situation.


You left the guys to hash out their differences in the living room while you worked on the curry. Reon came in as you were chopping the vegetables.

"Hey (F/N)-san, you need any help?"

"I think I'm okay, but you're welcome to hang out with me in here! How's the situation in there?" He didn't even have to respond, the grimace on his face said it all for him.

"That bad, huh?"

"Oikawa sure is whiny, and Tendo finds it funny to provoke him further.. Shirabu is just his usual ball of joy, and Ushijima's lack of emotion is pissing everyone off.. also as usual."

You blew a stream of air upwards to get some hair out of your face. "Geez. I thought Hajime and Tooru could move past things.."

"Okay at least Haj, honestly I knew Tooru would be this bad," you added after a brief pause. "Thanks for putting up with them though, I'm sure you've been the peace-keeper this whole time."

"Oh no, that would be an impossible role to take on, that's why I came in here," he let out a deep chuckle, spurring your own laughter again. You finished cooking the curry and Reon helped you plate it and set the table.

"Alright children, come get your food," you called through the house, already hearing the thudding footsteps that were racing one another to the dining area.

"It looks really good, thanks (F/N)," Iwaizumi planted a kiss on your head before ruffling your hair and sitting down. Oikawa moved towards you to do the same, but every single person in that house moved to stop him at the same time. Semi made some strange angry huffing sounds.

"Absolutely not," Iwaizumi scowled, chopping his hand down on Oikawa's head- hard.

Tendo busted out laughing, causing everyone to look at him.

"I think we all just bonded over our general distaste for Oikawa," he explained, earning a snort from Iwaizumi before he moved to start eating.

You shared a discreet wink with Tendo for earning that surprisingly positive reaction out of your grumpy cousin before digging into your own plate of food.

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