What Now?

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Ok anyways, back to the regularly scheduled program!


Now that you and Tendo shared that rather intimate kiss, you were left a bit confused. You knew that he wasn't the type to lead you on or play you, but nothing was really established between you after that night. You spent all day at work thinking about it rather than focusing on your tasks. It got to the point that you felt the need to talk to someone about it, but you didn't have anyone besides your group of friends. Semi had known you the longest, so you texted him for advice.. to no avail. He wanted nothing to do with the situation, and seemed grumpier than usual. Must not be his day, you shrugged. You felt no better about the whole Tendo situation, though.

Your phone vibrated and a text popped up on your screen from the very man you were conflicted about.

'Can I pick you up from work? I
want to see you!'

You responded affirmatively and smiled to yourself, knowing you weren't going to get any work done for the rest of the day either.

With 30 minutes left to go in the workday, you went to the bathroom to freshen up a bit. Once you were satisfied, you cleaned up your workspace and packed your things. You texted Tendo letting him know you were heading downstairs to meet him where he was waiting for you outside the building.

"Hi Tendo," you shyly smiled, gaining his attention. He grinned widely at you and covered the ground between you quickly, wrapping you into a tight hug.

"How was work?"

"I got absolutely nothing done today, hopefully you did better than I did?"

"Not in the slightest," he shook his head, causing you to laugh at your identical situations.

"Can we grab takeout and eat it at my place? I would cook for you but... I'd prefer you to stay alive." You happily agreed to his offer, excited at the thought of this being like a date.

He bought dinner and now you were both at his place, stuffing your faces with some good ass food.


"(N/n)... how do you feel about.. me?" Tendo leaned back on the couch after finishing his food, hesitance clearly evident in his voice.

"I think you're charming, for one," you shot him a cheeky grin before blushing, "but besides that you're strong, caring, easygoing, and all around fun.. and handsome." Your voice was barely above a whisper at the last word, but he still heard it.

When you didn't hear a response from him, you looked back worriedly to see him covering his blushing face.

"You're really... you're too much," he murmured from behind his hands. "I've never been so grateful for a damn train before, how lucky was I to sit next to you that day! I just like you too much."

You froze at his confession, whereas he seemed to just realize he confessed at all. His hands slowly fell from his face to gauge your reaction. Well, now was as good a time as any!

"I like you too, ya know," you smiled widely, feeling the heat on your cheeks but choosing to ignore it at the moment.

"Y-you do?"

"Mhmm, what's not to like?" You playfully swatted his arm. He studied you for a moment longer as if he was trying to see if you were just messing with him, but upon deciding you were serious he pulled you into him. You let out a small yelp in surprise but melted into his body as he hugged you tightly to him. You could really feel his toned muscles from there, and you weren't complaining. ;))))

"Now's your chance to escape if you still want to."

"Stop trying to get rid of me, I couldn't leave even if I wanted to! You've got a good hold on me right now," you joked, but squeezed him a little closer still. You could feel the deep rumble of his chuckles through his chest.

You finally pulled away from him just enough for him to pout.

"Hey, we've gotta clean this up don't we?" You gestured towards the empty takeout boxes littering the table.

"Those can definitely wait," he pulled you close again, "but this can't." He kissed you with need, practically begging you to prove you actually felt the same about him as he did you. Of course you complied, more than happy to show him how much he meant to you. Plus his kisses were hot. That is all.

His arms wound around your waist, one hand trailing up to your hair and tangling itself in it. You scooted yourself onto his lap, straddling him. You wrapped your legs around his torso and your arms around his shoulders, deepening the kiss as you did so.

He broke away for air and muttered your name.

You pushed his back fully against the couch as you attacked his jawline and neck with kisses. He groaned as you left small marks all over his soft skin.

You finally moved back up to his lips, engaging in one last lip-locked battle before pulling away, panting.

"Shit, you're gorgeous."

You couldn't hide your blush from him but he didn't seem to want to tease you over it. Instead, he looked at you with eyes full of adoration and... love. And in that moment, you realized you loved him as well.

"Wait, who's gonna tell the guys about-"

"Ugh, don't mention them in a moment like this!" Tendo groaned at you, making you giggle. He adjusted you so you sat in the open space between his legs, and he rested his chin atop your head.

"They'll probably be mad at first, I can't lie. Pretty sure they all had eyes for you. HA! I want to tell them, I won!"

You whacked his arm at this.

"Ouch! Sorry sorry, I'm kidding! But I guess it would help us explain if we define this first right? So... will you be mine?"

"Of course you big dummy," you laughed, "but also, Eita might kinda sorta know a little bit already.. I texted him for advice earlier." Tendo busted out laughing at this, calming down just enough to comment on how pissed Semi must be. That earned him another whack to the arm.

You spent the rest of the evening in your boyfriend's arms, watching movies and smoochin' until the sun went down.

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