Hold Me Tendo-ly

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You gave Iwaizumi and Oikawa one last bone crushing hug each, waving them off with teary eyes at the train station.

"You better come visit again soon!"

"We will (F/N), I'll text you when we get home okay? Love you," Iwaizumi called out over his shoulder before boarding the train, his back disappearing from sight. You waited to leave until the train left the platform.

"Okay, you ready?"

Tendo had come with you to see them off, having made a good impression on your cousin after he protected you from Oikawa's many advances.

"Can we go to the lake by the park? I don't want to go home yet," you looked up at your red-headed companion. He couldn't say no to you even if he wanted to, so of course you walked side by side to the lake.


"Here, as a thank you for coming with me," you smiled, holding out a chocolate ice cream cone to him as you licked a (flavor) one of your own.

"Ooh my favorite, thanks (n/n)," he nudged you playfully with his shoulder.

The two of you sat on a nearby bench and enjoyed your ice creams in a pleasant silence for a while.

"It's such a nice evening," you mused. He hummed in agreement. A few more moments of silence passed between you before you spoke up again.

"It's crazy how much my life changed from sitting next to you on that train."

"Is that good or bad?" he chuckled. You observed his peaceful state with a warm smile.

"Good, definitely good. It's definitely made life more interesting to say the least."

"I would have to agree with you then, I didn't think I'd ever be friends with an actual decent person like yourself."

"What? The guys are decent too!"

"Just keep lying to yourself then," you both laughed at his jab at your friends. You thought a while on what he said though, and it piqued your interest.

"You know you're decent too, right? And you deserve to surround yourself with decent people."

His hands moved to smooth back his hair, it springing right back up to its usual spiky form right after.
"I've never felt deserving of that I guess, you give me too much credit."

You could only shake your head vehemently.
"You're one of the best people I know, don't put yourself down like that!"

"Hmm, I appreciate that you think of me like that," he gave you a sad smile masked by a chuckle, "I just had a bit of a rough go at life as a kid because I was different than everyone else."

"Different how?" You had never seen him so melancholy. Tendo was always so cheerful and bright, so seeing him like this broke your heart.

"Well, for starters, I always looked like this. I scared the other kids I guess."

"What's wrong with how you look? I think you're rather handsome, myself!" He looked up at this, searching your eyes for any type of mirth or dishonesty, finding none.

"You're going to end up taking all of my hurt and pain away if you keep doing this you know," his face softened.

"Then I'll make it my goal to," you softly smiled before wrapping your arms around him in a gentle hug. He buried his face in your neck, pulling you closer in his vulnerable state.

"Thank you, (F/N)."

You squeezed him a little tighter after hearing him whisper that. The two of you stayed like this for a while, enjoying each other's embrace. However it was getting late and you both had to work in the morning, so you reluctantly broke the moment.

Seeing his saddened face made it even harder not to wrap him in your arms again, but he just silently took your hand and started to walk with you to your house. You wrapped yourself around his arm and leaned your head on him as you strolled, only the moon to light the path ahead of you.


You were frowning on your doorstep because you had gotten home too quickly for you liking, and you didn't want to let go of Tendo. He seemed to be going through the same dilemma in his head.

"Do you have to go?" you pouted.

"I wish I didn't.. but we both have work in the morning," he sighed. You nodded but still didn't let go of his hand, nor did he make you let go. So you both just stood there on your doorstep.

"Can I... Would now be the right time to kiss you?" he broke the silence. You could see how nervous he got as soon as he asked that.

You stepped in front of him to face him and nodded with a bashful smile. His eyes slightly widened before he returned the smile and reached out to cup your jaw, admiring you for a moment.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered before moving closer, capturing your lips in a soft, yet passionate kiss.

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