Drinkity DRONK

881 35 11

By the time Shirabu and Goshiki showed up (it didn't go unmentioned by Tendo that they arrived together), everyone else was well on their way to being tipsy. They both ordered drinks and sat down in the booth with the rest of the group, enjoying how loud and welcoming they were. You clumsily reached over Semi to offer a handshake and a self-introduction to both of them.

They both looked at each other before taking turns shaking your hand, introducing themselves as well. In retrospect, it must've been really amusing to see their seniors acting this way. However you were one shot and three and a half beers into the night, and you weren't in a thinking mood.

"Let's go on an adventuuuuureeee," you gushed to Tendo, grabbing his arm. He looked at you through half-lidded eyes for a moment before grinning.

"Let's go (n/n)! Guys, me and (n/n) are gonna go on an adventure!" he announced to the group before pulling you up with him and running off. Semi looked troubled, but the rest just smiled and shook their heads. Well, except for Ushijima. He was still as stoic as ever. Was he even tipsy? There was absolutely no difference in his behavior. Actually, how did they even get him to agree to come out tonight?


Tendo stopped tugging your hand when you both reached the dance floor. "Wanna dance?" He didn't have to ask you twice, you were already pulling him along into the crowd of dancing bodies. Alcohol really makes you come out of your shell, because you would never do this type of thing under any other circumstance. As you and Tendo moved your bodies to the upbeat song, someone made a grab at your waist. Before they could even get a good hold on you, Tendo pulled you into him and glared the perpetrator away.
"Hands off."

"Thank you," you whispered up at him. He cupped a hand around his ear, pretending he couldn't hear you. You stood up on your tiptoes, rested a hand on his shoulder, and brought your other hand up to his face to pull him closer to you.

"I said, thank you," you whispered again, this time your breath tickling his ear. He looked at you with raised eyebrows, searching your eyes for a moment. Then he cleared his throat loudly and straightened himself out.

"Since that asshat put a damper on our little adventure, what do you say we head back to the others," he suggested. You nodded and took his hand as he led you out of the crowd and back to the booth.

"Back so soon?" Reon asked, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes as he saw your small hand encased in Tendo's larger one.

Tendo nodded. "Yeah, we ran into an unwanted tagalong so we came back." His hand tightened around yours slightly before he let go, allowing you to settle back in the booth again. "You want another drink?"

You looked up at him, then down at your fingers, and back up at him again with a sly smile. "Tendo, I think I see you wrapped all aro-"

"-Another beer it is!" He interrupted you and quickly moved to the bar counter to order the drinks. Semi watched your interaction in curiosity, with maybe a slight twinge of jealousy. Meanwhile, you gestured for Goshiki to lean across the table towards you.

"How do you get your hair to be so straight? Do you use a flat iron?"

"N-no, it just falls like that," he stuttered at the close proximity to you as you leaned in to look closer at his hair. Shirabu sat back and crossed his arms, scoffing. "Bowl-Cut Brat is back at it again.. you'd think he'd get a new hairstyle after all these years."

"I think it suits him!" you nodded with a smile before leaning back in towards Goshiki with a serious look, "Do you really put a bowl on your head to cut it though?" You fiddled with the ends of his bangs with great concentration.

Tendo came back with your drink, making you avert your attention, saving Goshiki from your antics. He sat back with a relieved sigh that did not go unnoticed by Shirabu.

"Can't handle being close to your favorite senior still, huh?" Everyone at the table looked at Goshiki, who turned a bit pink at this.

"Favorite senior? Me? You're lying," you grinned, your face showing you definitely wanted to hear more. Apparently so did everyone else. Even Ushijima slightly leaned forward to listen.

"Well you see, whenever (L/N) would come around the gym to talk to Semi, Goshiki would have a mini freak out moment saying things like, 'What if she talks to me today! Do I look ok? Am I too sweaty?'" Shirabu laughed, Goshiki's face getting redder by the minute.

"Awwww, you were always the cute one!" you directed at Goshiki, who looked utterly confused at that.

"Oh? And what one was I?" Tendo teased.

"Hmm.. you were the cheerful and bold one! And Eita was the grumpy one, Ushijima the serious hardworking one. Reon was definitely the calm and kind one, and Shirabu was the intelligent one!" you exclaimed happily before taking a sip of your beer.

"Why am I the grumpy one?" Semi glared at you, only half-jokingly.
"You always hide your niceness behind your grumpy words," you stuck your tongue out at him and poked his cheek.

"You know, (L/N)-san.. We all thought you were gonna end up with Semi," Reon admitted.


"Reon, you know that wasn't a thing," Semi glowered across the table in an effort to get the slightly inebriated Reon to quiet down.

"No no, I mean if we had known that, I'm pretty sure any one of us here would've made a move," Tendo chimed in.
"Respectfully, of course," Reon added, nodding thoughtfully.

"I know Goshiki would've, that would've been hilarious to see," Shirabu laughed. Goshiki turned pink, huffing, before retorting with, "Don't act like you didn't set the volleyball off-course when she watched our practices just so you could go chase it down and have a chance to talk to her!"

"I would've made an effort to say hello," Ushijima nodded.

"EVEN YOU, USHIJIMA-SAN?! This is all too much, you're just messing with me!" you tried to laugh it off like one big prank.

"No, (F/N), they're right. I purposely stole all your time back then because I was being selfish," Semi admitted, "and I knew that if I didn't, one of them surely would've gotten to you first."

"Damn right!" Shirabu huffed before realizing he said that out loud.

"Y-you guys!" You spoke through a light blush. "I was- and still am- just a nobody! I don't understand it, but I do appreciate the flattery. It's crazy how we can come full circle and be friends now!"

The table erupted with groans at the sound of that word- 'friends'. Semi even put his head in his hands.
"Guys? Everyone alright?... No?... What if I tell you next round is on me?"

Everyone at the table gave you a thumbs up simultaneously at that offer. You laughed, climbing over Tendo to go order another round of drinks for the table of your newfound friends.


After staying a while longer and allowing for the drivers to sober up (aka Tendo, Ushijima, and Shirabu), you guys decided to call it a night. You were definitely past tipsy by that point, but you weren't belligerently drunk either. You stood up from the booth and gave everyone a hug goodbye before following Tendo to his car to make your way home. Here's to hoping the car ride home isn't as rough as the one before.. for your and his car's upholstery's sakes.

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