An Unbecoming Green Monster Named Jealousy

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The rest of dinner was filled with an uncomfortable silence due to the fact that anything that anyone had to say would've sparked an argument, and your unspoken threats lingered above everyone's heads. In short, they didn't argue with each other in fear of your wrath. Your friends didn't stick around for long after dinner, saying they wanted you to spend time with your cousin, but in reality they couldn't handle much more of Oikawa. You secretly texted them in a group chat letting them know you'd call them later once he had calmed down some. Goshiki almost gave it away by snickering, but Shirabu covered for him saying it was a sneeze.

Now that they had left, it was just you, Iwaizumi, and Oikawa.

"Dinner was good (F/N), thanks again for cooking for all of us," Iwaizumi started. You hummed cheerily in response, washing the last of the dishes.

"Yeah, thanks (F/N)-chan!"

"Shut it, Trashykawa."

"Ehhhh? Why are you so cruel to me," he whined, crocodile tears streaming down his face.

"Because you were such an ass to my friends," you spoke in an eerily cold tone. He didn't even know how to defend himself, because even he knew that was true.

"I'm sorry (F/N)-chan, I just don't get along with them too well..."

"You wouldn't know, you didn't even make an effort to. Hell, even Haj made an effort and he's the most protective guy I've ever met." Iwaizumi just nodded along, knowing himself to be just as you said. He wasn't ashamed to admit it!

Oikawa's bottom lip quivered as he tried to puppy-dog-eye his way out of the dog house.

"Oh dry up already," you rolled your eyes at him and playfully nudged his shoulder in truce. He immediately engulfed you in a hug, attacking you with kisses and thanking you in between. But then Iwaizumi ripped him off of you reaaaaal fast, and back into the dog house he went.


It came up in conversation that you learned how to set with Ushijima, and that did not sit well with Oikawa, or your cousin either for that matter. Both of them were a bit jealous that they hadn't been the first ones to teach you volleyball, even though they had your entire childhoods to do so. Pride was a fickle thing.

And that's how you ended up being dragged out to the sand volleyball court Ushijima took you to, where you were 'going to learn how to serve' from the 'number one men in your life,' according to Oikawa.

Just as they got done teaching you the basics of serving, a voice you knew very well sounded from nearby.

"Oh?~ And what do we have here?"

"Tendo! What are you guys doing here?" you turned away from your lesson, surprised to see all your friends walking towards you.

"We decided to come blow off some steam, would've invited you too had we known!"

"Don't worry about it, I understand," you grinned, genuinely happy that they were here. Plus, you really did understand. They didn't want to put up with Oikawa or they would've invited you and Iwaizumi out.

"So, whatcha learning today?"

"Serving from the serving master himself," you gestured to Oikawa, putting master in air quotation marks. Tendo shot you a wink before responding, "Well, carry on then. I could probably learn a thing or two myself!"

Oikawa huffed, annoyed that you were paying attention to Tendo instead of him, and started his lesson up again.

"Alright (F/N)-chan, let's see you put what you learned into action!" He handed you the volleyball and guided you back to the back edge of the court.

"Suddenly I'm nervous with such a big audience," you jested, "and an experienced one at that!" Iwaizumi ruffled your hair in reassurance before backing up to give you space to serve.

And serve, you did.

For your first try, it was pretty much perfect. The ball bounced once in the opposite corner of the court before going out of bounds.

"Daaaaaaamn, that was probably better than I could serve in my prime," Tendo gaped, genuinely praising you.

Reon nodded in agreement, "Yeah, definitely better than your serves."


Between Reon's subtle dig at Tendo and Tendo taking fake offense to it, you started laughing, which spurred your friends to start laughing too. It was so contagious that Oikawa even let out a quiet chuckle, and Iwaizumi watched with a soft smile. They could clearly see your friends cared for you and valued you as much as you did them.

You beckoned your friends to join you on the sand court so you could mess around out there together. Semi and Shirabu wanted to see your 'famed' setting skills, and your cousin and Oikawa did too. You had Ushijima and Reon take turns spiking your sets because.. well, why not? Goshiki insisted on being your own personal cheer squad of one as you prepped to set the ball.

Iwaizumi tossed the ball to you and you set it, first for Ushijima who of course spiked it perfectly.

"Damn, that was pretty hot," Oikawa watched you, impressed. Before Iwaizumi could even inhale to begin berating him, Tendo wrapped a protective arm around you and snapped, "She's not an object to be ogled at, numbskull." You had honestly never seen Tendo agitated, let alone angry at something, so you watched him with slightly widened eyes.

"Hey, it's okay Tendo," you soothed, softly rubbing his arm, "I'm sure he was talking about the play and not me."

He turned and looked to you with a troubled expression. "But he can't always say those things around you! It may work for his groupies but you're... you and not them. It's just different!"

You gave him a soft smile, "Really, I do appreciate it Tendo! Thank you for always sticking up for me and protecting me. Clearly my cousin has nothing to worry about with you and everyone else here watching over me, right Iwaizumi?"

Iwaizumi had just finished beating up Oikawa slightly more brutally than normal. "Right, thanks for having her back," he nodded in the direction of all of your friends. You beamed up at Tendo, letting him know that was considered to be high praise coming from Iwaizumi's mouth.

"Alright, now come! I want you to teach me how to do that really cool blocking stuff you do!" You pulled Tendo by the hand towards the net and he followed along, chuckling softly. Meanwhile Oikawa still hadn't risen from the ground, but you could see the dozens of bumps forming on his head.

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