Cruisin' For a Bruisin'

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Your phone dinged, indicating that you got a text:

'Hey, this is Shirabu Kenjiro.. I got your number from Semi,
I hope you don't mind. I was going to ask if you wanted to
meet up with me later?'

'Hey Shirabu! Sure, what time and where should I meet you?'

'I can come get you around 6 if that's okay with you.'

You agreed and sent your address to him, wondering just what he had planned. Luckily it was the weekend, so you had the day free. Seeing as it was already 4:30, you decided to start getting ready. You showered and wrapped your hair up in order to put on some light makeup and pick out your outfit.

In the end, this is what you decided on (if you don't like it, change it for your story):

In the end, this is what you decided on (if you don't like it, change it for your story):

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You looked at the clock now and saw it was 5:45. Looks like you had some time to spare, so you flipped on the TV and watched the news until Shirabu arrived. You walked with him out to a big car, surprised to see that it held Shirabu, Goshiki, Tendo, Reon, Semi, and now you. You took a seat in the back row, right between Semi and Tendo, greeting everyone with a cheeky grin plastered on your face, clearly glad to see them all again.

"So, where are we all going? And why is Ushijima-san missing?"

"Woooow, Shirabu! You didn't tell (n/n)? We're going to see him play, he has a local match today," Tendo explained to you. Shirabu scratched the back of his neck and looked away with a pouty look on his face. Tendo leaned over to whisper something to you.

"Shirabu had originally planned to just take you, but Goshiki caught wind of that and made all of us come.. that jealous bastard," he grinned and you couldn't help but giggle lightly. Poor Shirabu!


"Does Ushijima-san know we're here?" you asked to no one in particular.

"No, should we go down and see him before the match starts?" Goshiki answered your question with another question, his excitement to watch his senior play again showing in his eyes. You agreed, but the rest of the group decided they'd rather find seats, so you and Goshiki went off together in promises of meeting them in the stands later.


He turned in surprise to see you waving eagerly, and his teammates seemed surprised too. No female had ever come to see him before, probably due to his less-than-typical social habits.

"(L/N)-san, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here too!" Goshiki announced, to which Ushijima nodded once before turning his eyes back to you.

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