The Morning After

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You cracked one eye open upon waking up. "Nope." You closed both eyes again and snuggled further into your sheets. Wait...

"HUH? Did I.. Did we...?!?!?"

"(N/n), quiet downnnn," Tendo's voice sounded from next to you as he stirred awake. What the hell happened last night?! You weren't that drunk as to do something like this.. think (Y/N) think! It all started to come back to you.


Tendo's driving on the way home was just as bad as it was going to the bar, but your head was already slightly spinning anyways so somehow it didn't affect you too badly. Lucky for you, and for him. He parked the car in front of your home, walking around the car to help you out of your seat.

You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and climbed up his torso, shouting, "Onward, my noble steed!"
He just laughed at your behavior and carried you up to your front door.

"Can I trust you to take care of yourself from here?" he asked you.

"Mmmm, nope! I want snacks though!"

He softly sighed, smiling at your antics before unlocking the door with the key you handed him. He set you down on your couch before asking your permission to get you some food and water from your kitchen. He didn't have to ask you twice-you eagerly agreed.

Once you had finished up your snack break, he told you it was time for you to sleep, causing you to erupt into whiny protests. He somehow persisted through all of that and got you upstairs to wash your face and brush your teeth, sitting outside the door once you decided to change into your pajamas. You flung the door open once you were finished and he helped you to your bed.

"Alright, goodnight (n/n)! I'll leave a water and some aspirin here for you in the morning, text me when you're awake," he patted your head gently and pulled up your sheets to cover you.

"Noooo, Tendo don't leave! Let's have a slumber party!"



You had been really persistent in making him stay.. and he still didn't try to do anything with you. You covered your face with your pillow in embarrassment at your actions before rolling over to look at the red head next to you.

"I uh.. I'm sorry you had to take care of me last night," you grinned sheepishly.

"Don't mention it, I'm sorry I fell asleep here! I was planning to leave once you fell asleep but I guess I knocked out too," Tendo laughed, his normal chaotic energy seemingly not turned on yet. "How are you going to break it to Semi that you begged me to sleep with you though?"

There it was.

"Shut up!" you laughed, throwing the pillow at his face.


You made your way to the kitchen after you washed your face and gave Tendo an oversized shirt for him to change into. Might as well make him breakfast as a thanks for putting up with you. You decided to make some chocolate chip pancakes, something that always hit the spot after a night out.

"Something smells good!" Tendo said as he walked up behind you to peer at what you were making. "Ooh, pancakes?"

"Chocolate chip!" you nodded with a smile.

"Even better, I love chocolate!" He rested his hands on the countertop behind him as he watched you work. Soon enough you were plating pancakes and instructed him to get the butter and syrup out.

You sat down at the table with him and started prepping your pancakes, smoothing some butter and syrup on them before putting them together like a sandwich.

"Never in all my years have I seen someone eat pancakes the same way as me..." he watched you in amazement as you picked up your pancake 'sandwich' to take a bite.

"No way, you do this too?"

You both laughed about the odd habit you both shared, enjoying the breakfast and the company.


"Alright, well I should head out now (n/n). I'll talk to you soon?"

You nodded in agreement and saw him off, waving as he pulled out of the driveway. But at the same time, another car pulled in.


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