It's Not What It Looks Like

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"Heeeeeey Eita," you sheepishly greeted the male who was giving you a suspicious look.

"Wasn't that Tendo I just saw leaving?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't like what you're thinking! He just slept over to take care of me."

Semi's eyes were narrowed as he inspected you, seemingly looking for evidence that disproved what you were saying.
"Come on, I need to shower. You can either come in or stand out here, but I'm going inside," you sighed.


Semi had ended up coming in, flicking on the TV while he waited for you to shower. He turned it off once he heard you come down the stairs.
"Alright, so walk me through the whole story of what happened between you two last night."

"Eita, nothing happened. Tendo was a complete gentleman," you rolled your eyes at how overprotective your friend was being at the moment.

"I still want to hear the story," he said firmly, not taking your answer. You sighed, deciding this was getting you nowhere, and told him the whole story of what happened once Tendo took you home.


"So he slept in the same bed as you?"

"Eita, really? That's your takeaway from all of this? You and I used to sleep together all the time and you had no problem with it."

Semi blushed once you said that. "Y-you can't say things like that so nonchalantly! We were kids back then too, that isn't the same!"

"What, you want to have sleepovers again? I'm fine with it, we can have movie marathons and eat lots of junk food and-"

"(F/N), SHUSH!" Semi chuckled at your rambling.

"Sorry, sorry," you laughed too, "But really.. Can we hang out like old times? I missed you so much." You gave him a pouty face.
"Of course, I missed you too," he nodded, standing up to wrap you in a hug. You hugged him back too, you really had missed your childhood friend. As long as you could remember, he was there for you. You had been neighbors and best pals from the time you both started walking until now, going through life's highest highs and lowest lows together.

He reluctantly released you from his hug, clearing his throat from how tender the moment had seemed.

"Alright, what flavor are you feeling today?" you asked him. He looked at you questioningly.

"Ice cream. Junk food. Movie. We're having a marathon, I've made the executive decision." He chuckled quietly before moving with you to load your arms with snacks and settle in on the couch for a day full of food and fun.


"I can't eat another bite, I need a carrot or something to balance out all this sugar" you groaned, pushing the tub of ice cream to the side. Semi watched you and laughed under his breath. The end credits of your fourth movie scrolled across the screen. You stood to clean up the strewn wrappers lining the table in front of you, Semi following suit to help you.

"Hey (F/N)?"

"What's up?"

"Do you... like Tendo?"

"Of course, last night was really fun with all of you! I never thought I'd ever hang out with anyone in that group besides you," you laughed, completely missing the point of his question. Well, at least it somewhat reassured him that your mind didn't go in that direction, which hopefully meant you didn't view Tendo like that.. yet.

"Say, I didn't realize Shirabu was so mean to Goshiki! But you can tell they're friends, they're so bad at acting like they hate each other." Semi hummed in response, his eyes softening watching you laugh easily about his former teammates. He knew you were never the most social of butterflies, so it warmed his heart to see you able to have a good time around people that mattered to him.

But he'd never admit that aloud, so he stuck to watching you with adoration in the meantime.

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