Chapter 1. The First Murder

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No one's P.O.V

" neck hurts!" Austin said. He opened his eyes and saw a fireplace next to him and a TV at the corner. He stood up and looked around and saw people who were awake and some people who are still laying around, sleeping (?) "Who are you guys..?" Austin said. A girl who looked very young looked at Austin and smiled, "I'm Elaina! Nice to meet you." Elaina reached out her hand to Austin, "I'm..Austin." Austin shakes hands with Elaina, "Do you know where we are?" Austin asked, "Seems like we're in a house." Elaina said. Two boys came to Austin, "Hey, I'm Cactus." Cactus shake hands with Austin, "Austin." Austin also shake hands with the other boy, "Mason." Mason smiled. Elaina walked to a group of people who are at the kitchen, "Hey guys! I'm Elaina!" Elaina said, "Oh hello, I'm Quinn, this is Colleen, Indah, Jean-Claude, Charlie and Chlorine." Quinn said, "Nice to meet you." Colleen reach out her hand to Elaina. Elaina and Colleen shake hands, "I wonder is there anymore people.." Charlie said as he started to walk to each room.
          A girl went to Mason, Cactus and Austin, "Erm..hey- do you know where we are?" The girl said, "We' a house." Mason responded, "Ah? In a house!? Is there a way to get out of here—." Somebody was clapping their hands, "HELLO! MAY I GET YOUR ATTENTION!? EVERYBODY COME TO THE DINING ROOM!" Charlie exclaimed. 14 people came to the dining room, "Whats up, Charlie?" Jean-Claude said, "Can I get all your names?" Charlie asked everybody. "Uhm- I'm Austin." Austin said, "I'm Mason." Mason said, "I'm Elaina!" Elaina exclaimed, "Quinn, the guy next to me is Jean-Claude." Quinn said, "I'm Chlorine and this girl is Colleen." Chlorine said, "I'm Indah." Indah said, "I'm Mary." The girl from just now, said, "Omar, this girl is Jordan." Omar said and pointed at Jordan, "Lukey." Lukey said, "Im Cody!" Cody exclaimed, "I'm Cactus!" Cactus smiled, "And, I'm John." John said. Charlie was writing all their names and he got off the table.
"Alright..that makes 15, including me, Charlie." Charlie smiled, "Well-." Before Charlie finished his sentences the lights went off, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Indah screamed and then all of the sudden, Indah stopped screaming, "INDAH!?" Omar shouted. The lights start to flicker and then they were turned back on again, "WHERE THE HECK IS INDAH!???" Cactus shouted.

"G-Guys..." Charlie stuttered.
"What's wrong Charlie?" Lukey said.

Charlie pointed at something, "T-T-That...." Charlie stuttered again, "OH GOD!" Mason shouted, "INDAH!" Quinn shouted, "S-SHE.." Colleen stuttered, "SHES DEAD!" Jordan exclaimed. "Oh my! Appears one has died!" A voice appeared, "Where the heck did that come from!?" Austin said. Cody pointed at a speaker which is in the corner, "The murderer has killed Indah. The dead houseguest have been hung on a tree outside." The speaker announced.

"P-Poor Indah.." Colleen started crying. Austin saw Elaina eating a muffin, "Elaina...where did you get the muffin?" Austin asked, "Oh, this? The 'muffin man' gave me a muffin. But I don't know who he or she is." Elaina said, "The muffin man..?" John said, "Oh yes, 'muffin man' is a role where it delivers muffins. Each one of you was given a role and to know your role, take out a folded paper from your pocket to know your role. And also, whoever got witch, scout, murderer, dark psychic or assassin are in the Evil Team. Survivor, detective, medic, savior, muffin man, twin, spy or psychic are in the Good Team. Yes, you all were divided into teams. Good luck on getting rid of your enemies." The speaker announced. Everybody got a folded paper in their pocket and open it, "Is this legit a game or what?" Mason complained, "I don't understand..what all roles are suppose to-." Before Quinn finish her sentences, "You all may now discuss who is EVIL." The speaker announced.
"Uhm, well who do you all think?" Mary asked. Everybody was quiet until Charlie finally speak up, "I think- it's John! He has been very, very quiet. I mean- the quietest among us!" Charlie said. John was shocked by Charlie's words, "I'm not evil! I'm innocent! Or maybe, you are evil!" John said sternly, "Oh? Finally speaking huh?" Charlie said, "I'm sorry John, but Charlie do have a point! Maybe you're evil!" Mason said. Everybody start whispering and it made John very mad. He stomped, "I SWEAR! I AM NOT EVIL STOP IT!" John went crazy and mad, "You may now vote who you think it's evil. Take a piece of paper and a pencil at the kitchen counter and put the paper in the box on the kitchen island." The speaker announced, "!" John raged. Everybody did what the speaker ordered them to do. They slide their paper in the box, "John had the most votes." The speaker announced, "I'm sorry John." Charlie said, "I swear- I WILL GET MY—." Before John could finish his sentences, he disappeared all of the sudden. Everybody was shocked, "John was....... Evil." The speaker announced, everybody was even more shocked by that, "What was his role?" Chlorine asked the speaker, "He was a scout." The speaker said.

13 People Remaining..
Indah was a survivor.
John was a scout.

———Chapter 1 Finished———

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