Chapter 11 + 12. It's Finally Over

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Woohoo! Happy birthday to me! 🎂 🥳 And also this is the final part! I can't believe that this is going to end, but don't worry! There is something at the end I wanted to share. And also, thank you for supporting me and thank you for all your votes.

Jackson's P.O.V
         Looks like this is the time I explain the truth, "I was bullied since secondary-school because of my voice. So, I pretended that I am mute. I've already shared this with Alex, Austin and Thomas." Jackson said, "Really? People shouldn't bully you just because your voice is so..FUCKING CUTE!" Sabrina eyes sparkled, "H-Huh?" I stutter ( Jackson have a medium voice but it sounded cute- ehek- ) "They're probably jealous because how cute your voice sounds." Well, looks like they forgot about Nave and adored my voice instead, "Thanks." I smiled, "Now who's up for lasagna, tonight?" I asked, "Ooh! I would sure love to eat that!" Sabrina said, "Sounds good." Austin said, "Alrighty!" I said. I went to the kitchen and Thomas held my arm and I started to blush, "U-Uhm.." I stutter, "Can I help you?" Thomas smiled, "Uh- sure!" I grinned. I saw Annie smirking behind Thomas and she immediately hid her face because she knew I saw her smirking. Thomas pulled my hand and he took a tray and put it on the counter, "Shall we start?" He asked. I could feel my heart beating so fast when Thomas smiled at me. It just gives me the warm feeling when he smiles. I took over and I took the ketchup and start by spreading a layer of the tomato-based sauce on the bottom of the dish. After that, I added a single layer of pasta sheets. Thomas handed me the white sauce and I added a layer of white sauce, followed by another single layer of pasta sheets ( I google in how to make lasagna so I tried my best trying to write it lol ) Thomas started holding my waist and hugged me at the back. My heart is beating so fast and it is starting to get faster and faster when Thomas put his head on my shoulder, "Th-Thomas?" I stutter, "Yeah?" He replied, "Let go.. you know I can't focus on cooking when this happens." I felt like I'm being harassed and Thomas push my cheek to look at him and he kissed me. My eyes widened. But I felt like it's wrong. But why? Why did it felt so wrong to kiss him?

             It feels like I don't even like him at all. I felt so, so uncomfortable. I pushed him and we stopped kissing, "The fuck? I thought you liked it..?" Thomas said. I started to tear up, "Sorry but, it just felt so, so uncomfortable and it felt wrong. It felt like your just harassing me. So I had to push you." I said and I wiped my tears using my jacket, "Whats going on?" Austin came, "It's..just nothing." Thomas said, "No. Somethings wrong here. I know it, I saw you and Jackson kissing and Jackson pushed you." Austin said sternly, "Tell me what's going on." Austin said, "So..uh..Thomas-" before I finished my sentences, "I harassed him because Annie told me too." Thomas said, "WHAT!?" I shouted, "HEY! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSE TO- Uh.. uhm heh, I mean, don't frame me!" Annie said, "Annie, what the fuck? Why did you order Thomas to harass Jackson?" Austin looked directly at Annie. Soon, Sabrina, Quinn and Vinny came. Annie stood there silently, "She told me to harass Jackson because she had a crush on Alex and she knew Alex likes Jackson." Thomas said. Alex? Alex, likes me? "Alex likes me?" I said, "Yes! He does! So, I wanted to get revenge on you by telling Thomas to harass you.. I know how much you don't like to be harassed.." Annie said. The room was filled with silence. Annie fell down to her knees and cried, "I'm so, so sorry Jackson.. I am a fool.." Annie apologise and begged for forgiveness, "I.." I was deciding if I should forgive her or not? "I forgive you." I smiled and Annie went up to me and hugged me, "Thank you.." she said, "Nows the problem is solved, let's help Jackson cook today!" Vinny grinned, "Yeah!" Sabrina smiled.

         They all helped me and they make many other dishes that were delicious, "Look! I make some mochi-mochi!" Sabrina said, "You really are an anime weeb. I'm surprised you can make Japanese sweets too." Austin chuckled, "I'm not sure if this pizza looked right.." Thomas said. I looked over to his pizza and I burst out laughing, "Your suppose to put the tomato sauce before the cheese!" Annie laughed too, "Oh really?" Thomas awkwardly smiled. We all laughed and after a while, we finally finished at making dinner. We put our own dish on the table and Sabrina prepared the plates while Quinn prepared the spoons, forks and knives. We all sat down, "Tabemashou!" Sabrina said, "Whats that?" Austin asked, "Let's eat in Japanese," Sabrina giggled. We all started eating and we loved every bite of it, "I wish this moment never end. I'll cherish this moment forever until I die." Austin smiled, "Me too. I hope the murderer would be kind enough to not kill anybody when the lights flicker out." Annie said. We all finished eating and I was the one who washed the dishes tonight. While I was washing the dishes, the lights started to flicker.

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