Chapter 3. The Voting Device And New People

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Look at the picture at the top, there's a warning

Charlie's P.O.V
I went over and take the recipe book and read it, 'This should be easy!' I thought, "So what are you gonna cook us, 'Chef Charlie'?" Cody asked and giggled, "Ah..I've decided we shall eat pasta..?" I murmured, "Cool! I bet it's gonna taste delicious," Cody smiled. I immediately feel butterflies in my stomach as I blushed, "Yeah." I whisper to myself, "Waah! I found some novels over here!" Colleen exclaimed. Everybody rushed to the bedroom as I start finding the ingredients for the pasta, 'Okay, all I need is to find pepper..' I looked around to find pepper but I couldn't found it, "Uh..looking for t-this..?" I heard a voice and looked behind me and saw Austin handing pepper to me, "Ah, Austin! You found it! Thanks." I grinned. I notice Austin blushed a little as he looked away from me. He coughed and cleared his throat and looked at me with a smile, "No problem," He said, "HEY AUSTIN! C'MERE!" Quinn shouted from the room and I chuckled and Austin did the same thing, "If you need any could always ask me," Austin said, "Sure, I will." I said. We stared at each other for a few minutes until, "Aye, Charlie could I borrow your boyfriend for a sec?" Quinn asked with a smirk. I blushed and so do as Austin, "H-He's not my boyfriend! We- just met three days ago, okay?" I stuttered, "Mhm, sure." Quinn grabbed Austin's hand and drag him to the bedroom. I stretched my arms and roll my sleeve up.

1 Hour Later....

Everybody was playing video games on TV that they found in the bedroom, surprisingly, they found controllers too, "Finally!" I sighed, "You finish, Charlie?" Chlorine asked, "Mhm." I nodded. Mary and Elaina bring out the bowls as I put the pasta in each bowl, "It smells delicious! I can't wait to eat!" Jordan drooled, "Me too." Quinn smiled. We all sat down on the dining table, "Ah! I forgot the forks and spoons..." Mary said, "Don't worry I'll get it." Cactus head over to the kitchen and looked everywhere in the kitchen to find the forks and spoons, "Aha! I found-." Before Cactus finish his sentences, "WHAT THE!? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?" Omar shouted, "What do you mean?" Mason asked ( I realised I didn't mention Mason in the Character part and I already put Mason in Chapter 2, lol ) "LOOK!" Omar pointed at the ground. I looked at the ground and I saw purple smoke I was frightened, "WHAT IS THIS SHIT!?" Colleen shouted. Suddenly, I heard a thud and I looked at Chlorine, Chlorine was on the ground! "AHH! CHLORINE!" Quinn shouted and ran over to him but Quinn fell down to the ground and passed out, "GUYS!!" Mason shouted and pointed at Cody and Colleen laying on the floor, "The...fuck.." I murmured. Austin also passed out all of the sudden and so do as Mason, Cactus and Elaina. I looked over to Mary and she also passed out and so do as Omar. I started to feel sleepy and my head started to feel dizzy at the same time. I lay my head on the table and closed my eyes slowly and I could hear Jean-Claude and Jordan screaming my name.

Mason's P.O.V
       As I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar place. I looked to my right and saw a big TV and no fireplace and I also saw many couches and I immediately stood up and looked around and saw Austin, Colleen, Jordan and.. a person I do not know..but he was wearing yellow. I went closer to him and looked at him. Who is this guy? "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" I heard a voice and I looked behind and saw, "SABRINA!? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I shouted which caused Jordan, Austin and Colleen to wake up, "Wait, M-Mason?" She stuttered. Yes! I know its her! "Yes! Its me, Mason!" I ran over to Sabrina and hugged her, "Oh my gosh..I thought you were dead!" Sabrina cried and tears started to form in my eyes, "Mason, who's this?" Austin asked. I sniffed, "This is my girlfriend, Sabrina." I explained, "Girlfriend?" Austin asked, "Yeah." Sabrina smiled, "Woah, Sabrina, you never told me you had a boyfriend!" I looked at the corner and saw an unfamiliar person, "Uh....Babe, who's this?" I asked Sabrina, "It's a long and crazy story.." Sabrina chuckled, "Eheh, I'm Amani." Amani reached out her hand to me and smiled, "Oh, nice to meet you, Amani" I shake hands with her as Amani reached out her hand to Austin too, "I'm Austin, this is Mason." Austin said, "Now babe, mind telling me who is she?" I asked Sabrina again, "Mhm, but before that, let me find more people if they're here too.." Sabrina said, "Oh, Adora and Adam is in the kitchen!" Amani said as she pointed to the kitchen, "Oh, mind calling them here? I'm gonna find the others." Sabrina said. I was confused, who are these 'other' people?
'Ah, Austin!" I saw Charlie coming out from a room, "Woah, where are we?" Charlie looked around, "Looks like we're in a house but bigger and they are even more people here." Austin said. Jordan, Colleen, Jean-Claude, Chlorine, and Elaina found us and we waited for the others, "Okay I'm back, love!" Sabrina said, "You have a girlfriend!?" Elaina said in surprise, "Yep, this is Sabrina." Sabrina smiled and shake hands with everybody. I took us an hour to bring everybody from the house to the living room and we finally bought everybody here. Everybody was confused and some of them are friends. Quinn counted all of them, "In total, there are 25 people, including me" Quinn said, "Woah- that's a lot!" Charlie said in surprise, "How are we gonna get all their—." Before Charlie finish his sentences, "Welcome everybody, you may see people your unfamiliar with, I will say all their names and please raise their hand if I say your name so people could know who you are." The speaker announced.
1. Jordan
2. Cody
3. Mary
4. Elaina
5. Austin
6. Charlie
7. Cactus
8. Quinn
9. Colleen
10. Chlorine
11. Omar
12. Jean-Claude
15. Nave
16. Adora
17. Adam
18. Annie
19. Amani
20. Jackson
21. Vinny
22. Thomas
23. Sabrina
24. Kai
25. Alex
"That's all the people. The reason why I make you form into a big group and put you in a bigger house, so it is even more intense, more drama, MORE TRAGIC THINGS HAPPEN! Ohohohoho! I am still surprise you guys don't know your guys are in a TV gameshow! Look around you! There are cameras! Ohoho! Also, good luck, good team! Their are two murderers! But, of course they don't know who is their partner! Also, change of plans, instead of using papers to vote. We have set devices for you all, called 'Voting Device'. You will now vote people on that device. Also all of your roles have changed. The roles of the dead people is back. You may see your paper. And now, you all will have your own rooms but some of them will be sharing rooms. Your door will have your name on it but you can check that out later. Their are also some board games, video games, novels and more snacks/food. For the murderer, you don't need to go to the generator anymore since the lights with turn off itself. Good luck!"

"What happened to Charlie's pasta??"


Nobody died.
25 People Remaining

Change of Plans, I ship Alex and Jackson. Lol.

———Chapter 3 Finished———

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