Chapter 2. Medic Saves The Day!

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Just to warn that there are swear words in this chapter.
Austin's P.O.V

We were all shocked to know that John was evil. But we were glad at the same time. I went and sat on a couch and start thinking 'Why are we here? Are we here for a reason? I have so many questions!', "Uhm..Austin, are you okay?" A voice appeared and I saw Charlie in-front of me, "You looked worried." Charlie sat down next to me and silence filled up between us, "It's just that- I want to know why is this happening? I'm scared, worried and mad at the same time!" I vented my feelings to Charlie. Charlie stared at me for a while and Elaina came to us, "Hey ya'll! Want a muffin?" Elaina showed a tray of muffins, "You make this?" I asked, "Nah, we found some muffins in the oven and I guess the muffin man was secretly baking some muffins." Elaina said, "Who's the muffin man?" Charlie asked, "Dunno. So you want these muffins or not?" Elaina replied, "I guess." Charlie take a muffin from the tray and I did the same. I start eating the muffin and the muffin was delicious! "This is yummy!" I said, and I turned around and looked at Charlie. Charlie was smiling and I guess he found it delicious too. I also smiled and continue eating my muffin, "Do you think Elaina is evil?" Charlie asked, "Elaina?" I said, "Yeah, Elaina. She was very suspicious because she know. Cheerful, happy and calm." Charlie pointed out, "Now you said about it, she could be evil." I said, "What'cha guys talking about?" Mason came and sat down next to Charlie, "Oh it's about Elaina." Charlie said, "Ooh..what about her?" Mason asked, "Do- you think Elaina is evil?" Charlie asked Mason, "Elaina evil? Hm..... I don't know." Mason replied. Charlie stayed quiet for a while and he started laying his cheek on his hand. His face looked sad and Mason asked me what's up with him. I shrugged. I also notice that the group at the kitchen also stayed silent, 'Why is everybody quiet?' I thought to myself.
The lights suddenly started to flicker and everybody was paying attention to the lights. Charlie hugged my arm as if he was scared, "I don't want to die.." Charlie murmured. We all waited and somebody started screaming, I immediately recognise that voice, "ELAINA!" I shouted, "HELP ME-." Elaina cut her sentences and I panicked a lot, "STAY BACK MURDERER!" I suddenly heard a voice but I couldn't recognise who it belong to but all I know that its a male voice. The lights turned back on and I ran to the kitchen and saw Elaina sitting on floor and she was shaking, "Don't worry guys, she's not dead!" Chlorine exclaimed. I notice that Elaina's hand has a bandage over it, "Wow- where did you get the bandages, Elaina?" I asked, "I'm guessing the medic rapped my hand with the bandage. But I don't know who is the medic since I can't see his face clearly." Elaina said. "Ooh.." Cactus said, "The murderer tried to attack his or her victim, but luckily the medic saved the victim from getting attacked." The speaker said, "Find out who is EVIL."
Everybody stared at each other, "I-I think it's..Quinn?" Omar said, "What? It's not me!" Quinn said, "I-I swear, I'm not evil." Quinn said, "Uhm well, I think it's Charlie." Mary said, "M-Me..?" Charlie stuttered, "Yeah you! I found very suspicious that you wanted to know everybody names, so you can kill them right?" Mary pointed out, "Mary, he just wanted to know everyone's name. How that can be suspicious?" I said, "Well- he probably had a list of everyone's names on it and he asked for all our names so he can target and frame one of us!" Mary said. Charlie eyes got wider and I know he is not evil. I trust him, "Drama." Quinn whispered, "What did you say? Drama?" Cody asked, "Oh uhm nothing~" Quinn face was surprised that Cody could here that, "Suspicious." Cody went closer to Quinn, "Probably your evil."
"Me? Evil?" Quinn asked. Her face looked worried, "Yeah, you. Evil." Cody said, "Oh come on, Cody! Just because she said 'Drama' doesn't mean she's fucking evil!" Lukey said, "Or you could be evil too." Lukey said, "WHAT!? IM NOT FUCKING EVIL!" Cody exclaimed
             "ALRIGHT! STOP THIS SHIT!" Jordan shouted, "Let's just discuss who is evil instead of fighting okay?" Jordan said, "Okay, who are our suspects?" Jean-Claude asked, "Charlie, Cody and Quinn." Colleen said, "Alright," Jean-Claude took a piece of paper and wrote the names down, "Who do you all think is less suspicious?" Jean-Claude asked, "I'm gonna go with Charlie. He seems to be innocent." Elaina said, "Yeah, he was with me the whole time." I said, "Okay, Charlie is now known innocent. For now." Colleen said, "Most suspicious?" Jean-Claude asked. Everybody was quite. Not even a sigh, or a cough, "You may now vote who do you think it's evil." The speaker announced.

No one's P.O.V

Everybody headed to the kitchen counter and take a piece of paper and wrote down who they think it's evil. They slide their paper in the box and hoping that they are getting rid an evil.

"Lukey has the most votes."

"What!?" Mary shouted, "Why did you all voted me!?" Lukey exclaimed, "IM MED—." Lukey disappeared quickly, "Lukey was good. His role was Medic." The speaker announced, "The medic!?" Cactus exclaimed, "Oh,no,no,no...we lost our medic!" Elaina exclaimed. Everybody sighed and all their faces looked sad, "I'm gonna go to sleep." Mason said as he went to the bedroom, "Anybody up for pizza for dinner?" Jean-Claude asked. He slide his hand in his pocket and his face was suddenly shocked, "I don't have my phone!" Jean-Claude exclaimed, "I don't have mine either.." Austin said as he searched his pockets, "Neither do I." Charlie said. Everybody started to search their pockets and it turns out that their phones was missing, "CAN THIS GET ANY WORSE!? FUCK THIS!" Omar shouted, "Hey, atleast the kitchen have some ingredients we can use for cooking and some snacks." Mary was looking around the kitchen, "Who knows how to cook?" Cactus asked, "I wouldn't say it's me because I almost burned the house down last time.." Quinn said, "Ooh, there's a book full with recipes! It even have methods on how to make those recipes!" Mary pulled out a black book, "Ah, thats great." Austin grinned. Charlie took the book and read it, "Looks like Charlie is gonna be our chef tonight!" Cody said.

Murderer's P.O.V

I went to the generator and I pulled the lever down and the lights started to flicker. I was surprised nobody was screaming at all. I pulled out the knife and I chose Elaina as my victim. I snuck in the group and I was about to attack Elaina so I grabbed her hand tightly until, "STAY BACK MURDERER!" He punched me in the stomach and I was going to scream but I didn't but the knife hit Elaina's hand and I know her hand was bleeding, "YOWCH!" Elaina exclaimed and fell on the floor. I tried again but a person pushed me and I was angry. I went to the generator and turned the lights back on. I slide the knife back into my pocket and I quickly ran back to the group. 'What an unlucky night.' I thought to myself.

Lukey was the medic
12 People Remaining.
———Chapter 2 Finished———

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