Putting some changes

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Hey Flicker Readers! Today I'm just announcing that I'm gonna put some changes since it's cRaP-

I mean- how the hec the person on the speaker knew who got the most votes by just sliding a paper in a box lol so yeah, everybody are gonna get a device called 'Voting Device'. They can't call the police on that device, of course. Lol.

-More characters
Even tho in Flicker Roblox, the limit is 15, I can't help but pUt mOrE cHarAcTers- I- Here are the new characters that are gonna be included:
-Vinny ( becuz he best boyo )

-Savior role dOeS nOt eXiSt iN tHiS sTorY-
How can you even bring someone from the dead back to life in real life-

-Ships in this story ( not a change but idk )
I honestly don't have a 'favourite' ship except Austin x Charlie ( yeah I immediately started to ship them for some reason ) so I picked up a few ships from Flicker Books (or I randomly ship them lol) and yeah- please don't kill me if you don't ship em' everybody has their own ships lol
- Austin x Charlie
- Sabrina x Mason ( I don't know if anyone ships this ship or I'm the only one..? Don't judge me AAAAAA- )
- Amani x Quinn
- Thomas x Alex
I don't know any ships anymore please recommend me some in the comments I-

Yeah that's all, Chapter 3 coming soon ack-

Yeah that's all, Chapter 3 coming soon ack-

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( I just wanna share dis with yall )

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