Chapter 9. The Twins and The Psychic

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Omar's P.O.V
         Seems like I haven't been talking throughout the chapters after Chapter 3. Well, the writer finally makes me talk.( ehek- ) I saw Adam and he was sitting at the kitchen island. I went up to him and sat down next to him, "Ya good?" I asked. He slowly turned his head to look at me, "Maybe.. it's just..Adora." Adam said, "I still miss her. Why did she have to leave..?" Adam started tearing up, "Oh..." I pat his back to comfort him, "Atleast she is in a better and a more safer place now." I looked out at the dark sky through the window. I immediately had an idea, "Hey, see that window right there? We can break it open!" I said. Adam eyes widened. He grinned, "I saw a toolbox in the storage room." Adam pointed at the room, "Ah, finally! We can escape." I sighed. Me and Adam went to the storage room and took the toolbox and searched for a hammer in there. We found a hammer and we went to the kitchen. Quinn notices us trying to break out, "What are you doing?" Quinn asked, "We are gonna break this window and finally get out." Adam smiled. Quinn eyes widened, "Ah! Good Idea!" Quinn took the hammer from my hand and started hitting the window with it. She managed to make a crack on the window and the window was successfully broken. The others came to us and I climbed the counter and I was going to get out, until I felt something once I touched outside the window, "A WALL IS BLOCKING IT!" I shouted, "Fuck." Cactus said. We all sighed, "I thought we are finally going home.." Sabrina said. We all went to the living room. Jackson eyes widened and immediately went to the kitchen and start cooking. Looks like he forgot to make dinner. Well, it is already 2:56 AM... Sabrina, Annie and Cactus went to their room to sleep. Austin went to Amani's room to sleep since there's a scary corpse in his room. Jackson stopped cooking since people are starting to go to sleep so he kept the dish inside the refrigerator. Adam offered me a controller to play a game with him. I accept it and he gave one to Quinn too. Vinny, Jackson, Jordan and Thomas just sat there to watch ( I forgot Thomas existed ) Me, Adam and Quinn started playing aggressively.

            Vinny went to the kitchen to get some snacks and came back, "Whoever wins, gets to taste Jackson's best dish and who loses, have to eat their least favourite dish during breakfast!" Adam smirked, "Don't all dishes Jackson made are delicious?" Quinn asked. Jackson eyes widened and he felt very pleased, "Yeah, yeah." Adam said, "Jackson is basically a house-maid." Adam whispered to me and chuckled, "Eh, don't say that! That's rude.." I said, "Yeah whatever." Adam rolled his eyes.

           After a few rounds in the game, the lights started to flicker, "Its starting.." We put our controller on the floor and I can see Quinn taking something from the bag at the corner. She took out a paper bag and went to Cactus's room. What is she doing this time? I went to the bathroom and hid there. While I waited, I heard nothing, "Hey, where's Cactus?" Adam asked. Oh shit, I think Cactus is gonna get killed..

Murderer's P.O.V
           Well, time to kill Cactus. I am pretty sure he is The Psychic. How does he knows Alex was evil? Well, he is the psychic. I know it! I looked at Cactus. He was holding Jordan's arm, "Hey Cactus.. can you help me to go to my room? I couldn't find it.." I asked. Cactus looked at me, "Uh, sure?" Me and Cactus stood up and went to find my room. But Cactus went to his room and took a lantern, "You've never went to your own room?" Cactus came out with a lantern holding on his hand, "Never!" I lied, "But the voting.." shit, the voting.. "N-No! I meant..I can't find my room while the lights are out!" I awkwardly smiled, "Uh.. okay?" Cactus stutter. We went to my room, "Well, here it is," Cactus said. I opened the door and shove him into my room and I closed the door, "THE FUCK!?" Cactus shouted, "Oh Cactus, Cactus." I smirked. I pushed him to the ground again and I took a rope from my drawer. I tied his hands and his legs. I taped his mouth and I lifted his arm. I took out a knife and he shake his head. I nodded and I sliced his arm. Cactus wanted to scream but he couldn't, "Y'know. I like to see you suffer." I said.

             I lifted his other arm and sliced it. Cactus started crying because he was in pain and I gave a scar to his cheek, "Should I go with the gut or I should hang you?" I asked. He shake his head, "Oh wait, I could do BOTH!" I stabbed his stomach and his eyes widened. He was dead. I dragged him to his room and set up a hanger and tied his neck tightly. This night was kinda deadly than the others.. I took his arms from my room and bring it to his room and put it on the floor. I slowly closed his door and I went to the bathroom to wash my hands until I saw Omar in it, "Oh, hey Omar." I smiled. He waved slowly. I'm surprise he didn't notice the blood on my hands but I don't care. I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom. I sat behind the couch to pretend I'm scared and I'm hiding from the murderer.

Adam's P.O.V
             The lights started to flicker and it turned back on, "Phew, I didn't die.." Thomas sighed. I looked around, "Cactus.." I said, "I think he is dead!" Jordan exclaimed. I ran to Cactus's room and opened it. I gasped, Jordan, Thomas and Vinny came and they were shocked to see Cactus hanging on the ceiling, both of his arms were sliced and he was also stabbed.. "Oh my god.." Vinny started crying. I saw a paper laying on the floor and I picked it up. It's says that he was the psychic, "Guys, Cactus was the psychic." I said. Soon, the others came out from the room and came to Cactus's room. "Oh my! It appears one has died! The murderer has killed Cactus, the dead houseguest was hanged, stabbed and both of his arms were sliced."

This time, we went to the dining table. We all sat down and started thinking, "I think it's Omar." Jordan looked at me, "M-Me?" Omar stutter, "I think when the lights flicker out, I think Omar didn't go to the bathroom to hide. I think Omar is the one who asked Cactus to go to his room. Because that time, somebody asked Cactus to go to his room with him and I think it's Omar." Jordan looked fiercely at Omar. I started to shiver. Omar is a twin and I am his twin..but if I said he is a twin, he will not get voted out but he will become one of the murderer's victim. So I stood up and I was going to say I am a twin but it was to late, Vinny already asked to start the voting. Omar looked at me, "Why don't you defend us?" He whispered, "I.." I pushed him lightly and I went into my room.

I took my Voting Device and I searched for Jordan's picture. I pressed Enter. I started crying because I know that me and Omar are gonna get voted out. I came out and Omar hugged me, "I fucking hate you." He whispered in my ear, "Omar has the most votes." Omar went to the Voted Out Door and I went to the door with him too, "Hey, Adam. What are you doing? You're not voted out!" Thomas exclaimed, "I'm his twin." He gasped, "His role was Twin. His twin, Adam, was voted out too." I opened the Red Door and Omar went in first. I took a glance at everyone and I slowly walked in the room.

11 People Remaining
Cactus was the Psychic
Omar was a Twin
Adam was a twin

11 People RemainingCactus was the PsychicOmar was a TwinAdam was a twin

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———Chapter 9. Finished———

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