Chapter 8. Love Kept Getting Destroyed

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Aha- Sorry for the pic on the top, Austin didn't died in this chapter!

Austin's P.O.V
       Even it has already yesterday since Charlie was voted out. I was still sad. I kept crying in my room for so long thinking about his last words he said to me.

Flashback to when Charlie was hugging Austin..

        Charlie hugged me. He whispered something in my ear that I will never forget, "Even tho we just met a few days ago, I like you. Even tho, I will not be in this world anymore. I will always be there for you." Charlie let go his arms and smiled. As he slowly walked to the door, I started tearing up and I wiped my tears on my arm.

Back to present..

Charlie was special to me. Throughout the years before I met Charlie, I have always been a loner. The only person I talked to are my siblings ( I made that up that Austin had siblings- ) But ever since I got here, I was kinda happy that I get to interact with other people. But Charlie was the person that I wanted to be around with, a person who is kind-hearted, a person who helps me, always, and he is basically everything I want that person to be, and I finally found him. But he is now gone.

Somebody knocked on the door and I head to the door and opened it and saw Quinn, "Hey, I heard you crying and I was wondering if you want to talk about it." Quinn said. I smiled and nodded. I let her in and she sat on the bed, "So..what has kept you crying, Austin?" Quinn looked at me as I sat next to her, "It's just, Charlie." I said. Her eyes widened and smirked, "Aha! I knew you liked Charlie! I knew it from the start!" Quinn exclaimed. I chuckle and push her lightly. I looked at the ceiling and starting to space out, "Y'know.." Quinn said, "Can you?" Quinn stutter. My eyes widened, "You can.. but I don't think I can trust you.." I said. Quinn frowned, "Please, just trust me. I'm the muffin man/woman." She insisted, "Really? do you know how to bake muffins?" I asked, "I told Jackson I am the muffin man/woman and I asked his to help me make muffins and he accepted." Quinn went to my drawer and opened a drawer. She took out a bag and show it to me, "I guess you don't really explore your room, huh." She said. She sat down next to me and opened the bag and she took out something from it. Its a muffin, "Oh!" I said in surprise, "When the lights flicker out, when Kai died, I was giving a muffin to Charlie.. To bad he didn't see and ate the muffin." Quinn said, "But I'm way more concern about the muffin I gave you first where Mary and Adora died." My eyes widened. I laughed sarcastically, "O-Oh...really?" I stutter. Quinn nodded and insist me to eat the muffin until somebody came into my room without knocking, "Hey Aus-" it was Amani. She gasped when she saw me with Quinn, "" Amani went out the room, "H-Hey! It's not like that!" I immediately went outside, and I heard Quinn laughing very loudly, "Hey! Amani! Is not like that!" I manage to get her shoulders and I turned her around to look at me, "It. Is. Not. Like. That." I said and I notice a tear run down her cheek, "A-Are you crying!?" I exclaimed and it draw other people attention, "Fuck.." I murmured. I bought Amani to my room and told Quinn to get out of my room. She sat down on the bed and she was still crying so I offered her a handkerchief, "Mind telling me what's going on?" I asked, "I-It...It.." Amani stuttered, "I thought she found somebody else which is you..." She stuff her face on the handkerchief. I didn't get her from the start and I immediately realise what she meant, "You like..Quinn?" I said. She nodded slowly, "Oh god, I'm so sorry you had to see that, you see.. me and Quinn are just only talking, not like making out or anything. We're just friends." I tried to convince her and she smiled, "You sure you're not inlove with Quinn?" She looked at me with sore eyes.

The lights started to flicker and we waited. The door suddenly broke down and Amani pulled my arm and drag me to the closet. She pushed me in the closet and close it, "AMANI!?" I shouted. I tried getting out but it seems like there is a furniture that is in front of the closet, "AMANII! OPEN THIS DOOR UP!" I started to feel scared, "GET AWAY! LET GO OF MY HAIR!!" I heard shouting, "AMANI!" I shouted as loud as I can. I suddenly heard a stab. I fell down to my knees and started to cry, "A-Amani?" I stutter. I pushed to get out one more time and it opened, as I get out the closet, I immediately fell down to my knees, "A...Amani.."

Murderer's P.O.V
I could hear Austin and Amani chit-chatting in Austin's room. My plan was to kill Amani. I waited till the lights flicker out and it did. I immediately barge into the room and I can see Amani pulling Austin and trapped him inside the closet, "Hello Amani~" I whisper in her ear. I pulled her hair and she screamed, "GET AWAY! LET GO OF MY HAIR!" She shouted, "How about a no?" I said, "Just to let you know, Quinn is mine." I didn't really like Quinn but she was like a big sister to me. We often talk a lot when nobody is paying attention, "Q-Quinn?" She stutter.
I drag her by hair and I was ready to slaughter her. I could hear Austin screaming Amani's name and I stabbed Amani immediately and she was hanged on the wall by a knife. Blood dropped everywhere and I quickly went to the bathroom and washed my hands and the blood stain on my shirt. I went back to Austin's room and pulled the drawer that is in front of the closet and immediately went outside.

Alex's P.O.V

I quickly went to Austin's room because I heard him screaming. I gasped when I saw Amani on the wall. The other came and they felt very scared when they saw Amani, "Oh my! It appears one has died! The murderer has killed Amani, the dead houseguest has been stabbed turned into a wall decoration."

       "HOLY-" I gasped

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"HOLY-" I gasped. I saw Quinn crying quietly as she fell down to her knees and kept crying, "W..why did you have to d-die.." Quinn murmur. Austin was going out to his room and I grabbed his arm, "Your the murderer, aren't you!?" I asked him and an angry tone, "Shut the fuck up, Alex. He is innocent. Remember yesterday?" Cactus looked at me sternly, "Oh..right. But how did you get in there?" I asked Austin, "Well you see.. me and Amani was talking in my room until the lights started to flicker, the murderer broke down the door and Amani pulled me in a closet and trapped me in there. I tried getting out but I can't. Until the murderer let me get out at last and the first thing I see is Amani on the wall." Austin explained. I was surprise, why did Amani did that? "You have been given 12 hours to find out who is EVIL." Everybody went to the living room, Vinny sighed, "What are we gonna do? We have no more clues because Kai is dead." Vinny said. Cactus stood up and looked sternly at me, "I think it's Alex." My eyes widened, "I'm not evil!" I stood up and grabbed Cactus shirt, "Oh really?" Cactus said, "Yeah!" I shouted. Cactus showed me a piece of paper and I slowly let go of Cactus shirt, "Mind explaining this?"

Alex is..

              "Your making this up!" I looked at Cactus angrily, "Maybe your the last murderer. Believe me, I know everything." Cactus smirked. I felt very mad and I grabbed his shirt and threw him. I noticed Jackson looked at me in horror, "Wait- Jackson, it's not what it looks like!" Jackson went up to me and slapped me. He walk into his room and I was feeling, very, very, guilty, "Can we start the voting?" Quinn said. I looked at her immediately and she gave me a glare, "Maybe Cactus was right that you're evil." Quinn said. I went into my room and took the Voting Device. I was finding Cactus's picture and I pressed 'Enter'. Everybody went outside and each one of them gave me a glare. Jackson went to me and hugged me. He started tearing up. I hugged him back and started to cry, "Alex has the most votes." I looked at Jackson, "I'm sorry." I murmur. I went to the Voted Out Door, "Alex's role was Witch." Everybody gasped. I slowly opened the red door and looked at Jackson one more time. I smiled at him and waved. He waved back and I went into the dark room and the red door slowly closed behind me.

'You gotta be fucking serious,'
-The Murderer

14 People Remaining
Amani was a Survivor
Alex was the Witch

———Chapter 8 Finished———

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