Chapter 7. Admit

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-This book recently just got a 100 reads! Thank you so, so much!
I would also like to inform that I won't be updating this book daily anymore after 14 July 2020, due to school, so I hope you're fine with that, bye ily 💕

Alex's P.O.V
Oh fuck, that Colleen made me tear up. I immediately went into my room and lay on my bed. I took a pillow and stuff it in my face and groan. When will this ever end? I explored my room to look out for any entertainment until somebody knocked on my door. I opened the door and saw Annie grinning at me, "Oh, what do you want, Annie?" I asked, "Oh uhm.." Annie played with her hair and I saw her biting her lips, "D..Do you want to watch a movie together?" Annie looked at me with sparkling eyes. I stared at her and I blinked my eyes, "Ah, sure. Are the others going to be watching the movie too?" Annie nodded quickly. She reached out her hand and held my hand, "A-Annie?" I stutter, "O-Oh..I just want you to walk with me to the living room." She giggled. I was confused, why is Annie acting like this? She pulled me slowly to the living room and as we got into the living room. I saw Jackson sitting on the couch and he was having a conversation with Thomas, 'Oh shit..' I started to blush and I hid my face using my hat. Me and Jackson have been friends since secondary-school. We were always there for each other no matter what and when we came to highschool, I started gaining feelings for Jackson. We're now colleagues and we're going to graduate next year. But hopefully, we can survive this madness. I sat next to Jackson and Annie sat next to me. Jackson looked at me and smiled. My heart beats faster and faster and Jackson looked at me in confusion. He gave me a sign language by asking me if I am alright. I nodded and Jackson eyes widened. He went back having a conversation with Thomas by passing notes since Thomas can't understand sign languages. Later on, Kai, Vinny and Cactus came into the living room and sat down on the couch and started talking to each other. Annie started to grab my arm and hug it and she smiled, "Your so warm.." Annie whisper. I started to feel uncomfortable around Annie and I looked at Jackson and Jackson gave a thumbs up. He notice that Annie is hugging my arm!? Does he think I have a crush on her!? Jackson gave me a huge grin and went back to passing notes with Thomas, 'Oh fuck, now he thinks I have a crush on Annie.' I sighed heavily and Annie looked at me, "What's wrong?" Annie asked, "Why are you acting like this?" I gave Annie a glare. Her eyes widened, "Y-You don't like this way?" Annie stutter. She started to shiver and I can see tears starting to form into her eyes, "No?" I replied, "O-Oh..okay." Annie let go of my arm and sat down quietly. What's her problem? I rolled my eyes and soon everybody was here.
Cactus took the remote, "What kind of movie shall we watch?" We all suggested different things, fantasy, horror, romance, sad, action, superheroes and many kind of things. Vinny took a book from his room and a pencil. "Aight, our most option is romance, horror, sad and fantasy." Vinny said, "Whoever wanted this kind of movie genre, please raise up your hand. The genre that have the most votes will be chosen." Vinny said. Vinny took all our votes for each genre. He bite his pencil, "Looks like a sad movie won the night!" Vinny smiled. Cactus open up the TV and chose a sad movie. Kai and Nave brought some snacks from the kitchen and the movie started. During the movie, Quinn and Thomas fought for the last Cheetos bag, Annie couldn't stop finishing the tissues, Kai kept whining, Charlie keeps using Austin's jacket to wipe his tears off his face, and the others including me, just cried at the saddest moments in the movie. Right after the movie, me, Austin, Vinny and Jordan started playing games together, Jackson and Charlie was cooking, Quinn and Kai was making crafts, Cactus was in his room, Sabrina was sitting on the dining table and she was still thinking about Mason and Annie was trying to comfort Sabrina. When we are in the middle of playing a game, "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!?" Sabrina shouted. We turned around and saw Sabrina shouting at Annie, "Sabrina, I'm just saying to get 'over' him! He's no worth for you anyways." Annie said, "YOUR SAYING MY BOYFRIEND IS A BAD GUY!?" Sabrina started tearing up, "Yeah!" Annie exclaimed, "The day before Mason was voted off, I overheard a conversation between Cactus and Mason and he said that he thinks your evil and he wanted to get rid of you!" Annie said, "Ain't that right, Cactus?" Annie looked at Cactus. Cactus eyes widened and he coughed, "Uh.." Sabrina looked at Cactus and Sabrina started to shiver, "Yeah. Annie was..r-right.." Cactus stutter. Sabrina was shocked and she accidentally fell down to the floor, "SABRINA!" Annie hugged Sabrina, "In-fact, Mason cheated on you with this girl named... Veronica? I think that's her name.." Cactus said, "I-I think that's enough Cactus.." Annie said. Sabrina started crying, "FUCK YOU MASON!" Sabrina shouted and kicked a chair, "IF I WAS THE MURDERER AND YOU WERE ALIVE BY NOW, I WOULD'VE FUCKING STRANGLED YOU!" Sabrina exclaimed. I felt bad for Sabrina. I've never seen her this heartbroken. Suddenly, the lights started to flicker and the TV was turned off.

Murderer's P.O.V
Fuck Kai, he/she made Colleen voted out! So now, he/she WILL be my target tonight. I found Kai in the bathroom and I barged in, "OH MY-" before Kai could finish his sentences, I covered his mouth and put his/her face inside the toilet, "MHMMMBLURRPP!" Kai tried to scream for help. I kept pushing his/her head down to make his drown. She/he kicked me in the balls and I was going to scream but I'd didn't because they are people outside.
Kai finally lost his breath and died. I stood up and sighed, 'He/she was a wild animal..' I thought to myself. I washed my hands and face because the toilet water splashed on my face and my hands. I notice a paper in Kai's pocket and took it out. It says:

Your Role Is:
You are the leader of the good team.You will receive a clue every time when the lights flicker out. Use the clues that has given you to catch someone evil. Don't die.

      So Kai was the detective. I smirked and gave a soft chuckle. I went outside quietly and went back to where I am.

Sabrina's P.O.V
       The lights started to flicker and I was glad that I am not dead. I looked around to see if someone died, "ITS IN THE BATHROOM GUYS!" Nave shouted. The bathroom was crowded and I manage to get inside. I was shocked when I saw Kai and saw a piece of paper on the floor. I pick it up and read it, "Kai was the detective..." I stutter, "Really!? No wonder he knew who is the murderer.." Charlie said. I glared at Charlie and Charlie eyes widened, "O-Oh.." Charlie stay quiet, "Oh my! It appears one has died! The murderer has killed Kai. The dead houseguest has been drowned in a toilet."

-I'm sorry, I didn't drew the death scene. It was kinda hard and I had a hard time trying to draw the body pose, toilet and Kai's hair.

        "You have been given 12 hours to discuss who is EVIL." We all gathered in the living room and everybody was looking at Charlie. Charlie looked scared and Austin kept comforting Charlie, "So Charlie. About yesterday.." Alex said. Charlie coughed, "I'm not evil guys..probably two are..innocent in that me and Austin are innocent.." Charlie gave away a fake smile, "Mhm.." Quinn nodded. Quinn took out a paper that she found, "This is a paper that Kai used yesterday. And it's said, 'Only one of them is good.'" Quinn said, "Uhm." Charlie eyes widened. We all believe that Austin was innocent. Austin looked worried and sighed, "N- I'm-" Austin said, "Save it, Austin." Charlie said, "I have no choice. Yes, I am evil." Charlie pulled out some kind of glasses, "I'm a scout." Charlie started tearing up. Everybody was shocked, did Charlie actually admit that he was evil!? Austin's eyes widened, "Speaker, m-may..we start the voting?" Charlie asked the speaker, "Sure." I went into my room and took my Voting Device and searched for Charlie's picture. I was going to Enter but I felt bad for Charlie. I immediately find Austin's picture and pressed Enter. I came out of the room and saw Austin and Charlie hugging each other, "I, so, so, sorry...but I never wanted to harm your team.." Charlie stuffed his face in Austin's chest. I also start tearing up.
          "Charlie has the most votes." Charlie was going to the Voted Out Door, "His role was Scout." Charlie opened the door but he stopped. He turned around and looked at us, "Thank you for the fun times we had together, especially Austin." Charlie smiled. Charlie went on hugging everyone, including me. He opened the door and I can see him smiling and and have his last tear. He went inside and the red door slowly closed behind him.

16 People Remaining.
Kai was the Detective
Charlie was a scout

—————Chapter 7 Finished—————

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