Chapter 5. So Long, Dark Psychic!

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Jackson's P.O.V
      The movie ended about an hour ago and people are doing their own thing. I was finding a broom to sweep the crumbs on the carpet at the living room. I checked everywhere but I couldn't find it. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I looked behind and I saw Adam, "Looking for something?" Adam asked. I nodded and I sign language him of that I am finding a broom, "Oh, a broom. It's in the storage room! Here, hold my hand, I will lead you to it!" Adam smiled. I put my hand on his palm and he showed me where the storage room is, "Its here! If you need any help, just call me!" Adam said. I nodded and he went to the living room to watch the TV. I heard a cough and I looked behind and I saw Alex sitting on the dining chair. I stared at him and I waved at him and he saw me waving and he immediately hid his face using his hat. I was confused but I went in the storage room and saw a broom. I took the broom and suddenly a red glow ball rolled down. I took the red ball and I was wondering what it is and suddenly Chlorine came, "H-HEY! D-Don't touch that! Eheh.." Chlorine smiled nervously and took the ball and ran away. What was that all about? I took the broom and went to the living room. I saw Chlorine hiding the red glow ball in a bag. He looked left and right and immediately strikes to his room. I followed him and I left the broom next to the couch. I manage to sneak inside Chlorine's room and I hid behind the drawer to see what's going on, "Phew! The mute guy almost found out..hopefully he didn't know what role I have." Chlorine said. My eyes widen in horror is he evil? What role he has? What do I do? Suddenly, the lights started to flicker, "Ah, shit." Chlorine said. As I looked at Chlorine again, he was using that red glow ball and that ball started to float, "Let's see.. hm... Maybe I should see what team Sabrina is in.." he said. Wait a minute..he's a psychic? Well, looks like he is no evil after all, "Sabrina is good. Well, time to TRY to get her voted out." I was shocked! Why does he want to get Sabrina voted off!? What is going on!? I suddenly have an urge to sneeze but I tried not to sneeze but, "Achoo!" I sneezed. Great, "Who's there!?" Chlorine stood up. Ah shit. I took a peek at Chlorine and Chlorine was taking some scissors from the drawer, 'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit I fucking screwed up' I thought. Luckily, Chlorine left the door open a little and I immediately ran outside, "HEY!" I could here Chlorine shouting and I immediately ran inside the bathroom and lock it, "GET OUT OF THERE!" Chlorine was stabbing the bathroom door using the scissors.
       I stayed there and I panicked a lot, "OPEN UP THIS DOOR OR IM GONNA BREAK IT DOWN!" Chlorine shouted. He stabbed the door until he cut a cloth of my jacket and gave me a scar on my arm. The lights started to flicker, "Oh shit." I could here Chlorine foot-steps as if he is walking back to his room. I felt relieved and I opened the door slowly and everybody was in front of the door, "Huh? Jackson?" Austin said in surprise, "What are you doing in there!?" Chlorine said. I know he was acting. I started to feel anger and I pointed at Chlorine, "Chlorine..?" Cactus looked at Chlorine, "What about him?" Nave asked. I sign language him that I saw Chlorine holding a red glow ball and once I sneezed, he immediately took a scissor and started to chase me, as if he didn't want anybody to know he was evil. I showed Nave my scar at my arm for proof. Chlorine looked mad as if, he wanted to punch me so bad. Everybody start to discuss about the situation and Chlorine came up to me, "I wish I could just keep your fucking mouth shut earlier." Chlorine said. I immediately laughed inside and I sign language him that I am mute. Chlorine looked confused as if he doesn't know what I'm trying to tell him, "Oh my! It appears two have died!" The speaker announced, "The murderer has killed Jean-Claude. The dead houseguest has be strangled to death."


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