Chapter 10. Jackson's Little Secret

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-Oh my, 200+ reads! Thank you for reading my book, I never thought of it will increase that high in two days!
  And also, my birthday is coming up next week! ( 24th July ) so there's a birthday special! A mash up of
  Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 in one part! I will try to make it 2000+ words if I can, lol. And also, it turns out       school is not gonna open until 3 August since the cases of COVID-19 over here is still increasing. Well, that's all I gotta say now, Love ya'll! 💕

No One's P.O.V
It was in the morning and Jackson was up and ready to bake some pancakes. He took a pan from the cabinet and some berries in the fridge. He took all the ingredients he need and start baking. The others were doing their own thing and there was a line in-front of the bathroom door, "What are you baking, Jackson?" Austin asked. He smiled. Austin watched him as he flipped the pancake, "Oh! Your making pancakes.." Austin said in awe, "Yep." Jackson whisper and he immediately covered his mouth as he realised that he just talked. Austin eyes widened, "YOU CAN TALK THE WHOLE TIME!?" Austin said as Jackson let go his hand of the pan and covered his mouth, "Shhh.." he whispered in his ear, "Please don't tell anybody.." Jackson begged. Austin was confused, "I thought Alex said you were mute.." Austin whispered, "Am I dreaming-" Jackson shake his head, "I can actually talk.. but I don't like to talk because of my voice." Jackson whispered, "During secondary-school, people started bullying me because of how horrible my voice sounded. So, I stopped talking and pretended that I'm mute when I got into highschool." Jackson said, "Alex knew about this but he promised to keep it a secret. Can you keep it a secret too?" Jackson looked at Austin. Austin nodded, "Sure, I will." Austin said. Jackson continued cooking and Austin helped him. They were done making pancakes and they added syrup and berries on top for the finishing touch. Austin helped Jackson to put the pancakes on the dining table. Everybody went to the dining room and sat down, "Mm! It smells so good!" Vinny exclaimed, "Can't wait to dig in..!" Annie helped Jackson to serve the knives and forks and they all start eating with their heart contents. Jackson smiled as he sees them eat.

            Annie and Jordan picked up the dirty dishes and started cleaning them while the boys including Sabrina and Quinn, are watching a comedy show on TV. They kept laughing their ass's off and Vinny laughed to hard until he accidentally fell on the floor. The show ended and they all were talking about the show. Annie and Jordan joined in and they kept talking about. It was already in the afternoon and Sabrina wanted to make lunch instead of Jackson. As she went to the kitchen, Jordan took the remote, "Anybody up for drama movies?" Jordan smirked, "Those cliché love stories? Na-ah!" Austin disagrees. Drama movies aren't Austin's 'cup of tea', "Oh well! Just stay in your room and stare at the ceiling if you don't like it! Jackson chuckled and Jordan heard it, "Did you just chuckle?" Jordan looked directly at Jackson. Jackson was shocked, 'Shoot!' He thought. Jackson immediately shook his head. Jordan lifted an eyebrow and looked for some drama movies on the TV. Jackson sighed in relieve. Thomas sat down next to Jackson, "I know you can talk." Thomas whispered in his ear. Jackson wanted to ask Thomas by talking so bad but Jackson asked Thomas by using sign language, "I eavesdropped your conversation between Austin, you voice didn't sounded bad at all." Thomas said. Jackson blushed and awkwardly smiled.

             "Lunch is ready!" Sabrina bought the bowls to the living room and put them on the floor, "Ooh! Ramen..!" Vinny said. Sabrina nodded and she looked at Jackson, "Jackson, seems like the kitchen knives are disappearing." Sabrina said. Jackson lifted both of his eyebrows, "Of course they're gone, the murderer used them to kill fucking people!" Quinn said, "Jeez no need to be rude.." Sabrina said.

- So uh, as I counted how many people are left, there are only 9 people. I was confused- like, who is the other two people QwQ so yeah, it is not 11, it is 9.

              They all start eating the lunch and the lights started to flicker, "Eh? So early? I thought it usually flicker at 1 or 2 AM..." Austin said. Soon, the lights went out. It's time for the evil to play.

Murderer's P.O.V
           I'm not really sure who will be my victim for today. I chose Jordan as my victim. I took a couch pillow and I slowly went behind her and immediately covered her face, "MHMMMPHH!" Jordan tried to scream, "J-Jordan?" Austin stutter. I dragged her to the kitchen and took out a knife, "Any last words?" I whispered into her ear. She took my arm and twist it, "FUCK!" I squealed, "Naughty girl!"

          I grabbed her arms tightly but she managed to let herself out and she punched me in the face. I fell down and I reached out for her leg and I pulled her, she fell down to the ground and I was still holding onto her leg, "LET GO!" She screamed. I had ENOUGH! I pulled out a gun and climbed onto her and put the gun on the forehead, "N-NO!" I shot her forehead. At last, finally. Some quiet time! Gosh, she was a fucking asshole. I notice that the blood was splattered everywhere. I slowly slide the gun into my pocket and the knife and luckily, my hands are clean. I quickly ran to the living room quietly.

No One's P.O.V
          The lights started to flicker and turned back on, "WHERES JORDAN!?" Sabrina shouted. They all ran to the kitchen, "Son of a-" before Nave finished his sentences, Annie screamed loudly, "Oh my! It appears one has died! The murderer has killed Jordan, she was shot in the forehead." The speaker announced.

( I won't be drawing anymore death scenes because I'm afraid I will trigger/scare the readers or I will get a warning that it is unsafe. Plus, I don't want to fill up my Gallery full with dead people lol )

        They all went to the dining room, "I think it's Nave." Annie looked at Nave directly, "M-Me?" Nave stuttered, "Yep, you haven't been talking the WHOLE entire time! It's pretty suspicious y'know." Annie said, "I do think it's Nave too. I think he is just being quiet so he could trick us by making us think that he is evil!"  Thomas pointed out. Nave looked scared. He bit his lips, "No-", "May we start the voting now?" Annie asked, "Yes, indeed" The speaker said. Everybody went to their room and looked for Nave's picture. The pressed Enter and walked out of the room.

Nave started tearing up, "But..I'm innocent.." Nave went to the Red Door knowing that he is gonna get voted out, "Nave has the most votes," Nave opened the door slowly, "Nave was a Survivor." Everybody was shocked, "Nave, I-" Before Annie finished her sentences, "It's okay Annie. I don't want live in this world anymore anyways.. because of what has been happening right now.." Nave gave a sarcastic smile, "Goodbye." Nave walked into the Voted Out Door slowly, "Its..all my fault.." Annie said, "No, it's our fault." Jackson said, "Huh?" Sabrina, Quinn, Vinny and Annie stared at him, "Yes, I can talk. I'll explain why I lied about me, being mute later."

7 People Remaining
Jordan was a Survivor
Nave was a Survivor

Not for long, the game will soon end.
Can you guess who is the murderer and the assassin?
Who do you think which team will win?
Well, all answers will be explained in the next part

-Oh my gooodddd I just realise this book is gonna end at my birthday special 😱

-Oh my gooodddd I just realise this book is gonna end at my birthday special 😱

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———Chapter 10 Finished———

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