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1 week later

"Hey, Z. I need a bottle for table 3." Chyna went onto say as I nodded slowly, grabbing the bottle.

"Here." I gave it to her, watching as a smile fell upon her face.

"Thanks, boo." She smiled before walking away.

Sighing deeply, I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. It was 10pm and I had a few more hours left until I was off for the night.

It'd been a long week for me and honestly, I just wanted to get back to Retta's, take a shower and the sleep.

Mitch and I were still not talking and I understood why but it was definitely taking a toll on me. I knew that what we were trying to do was for the both of us to rekindle our relationship but it was like these therapy sessions weren't helping us at all, I felt they were doing the exact opposite.

"Hey, bitch. You good?" Retta asked, coming from the back, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled small, shoving my phone back into my pants pocket.

"I'm just ready to go home." I expressed, leaning onto the bar as the loud music played throughout the club.

"Oh yeah, so how's therapy with Mitch going? I forgot to ask you yesterday. Did y'all even go?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Nope." I sighed, shrugging my shoulders a bit.

Mitch never texted or called yesterday to go to our therapy session. So I figured he just didn't want to go and I took it for what it was. I wasn't begging anymore, if he really wanted to make things right with me, he would.

Not let dumb things get in the way of way, especially since I was willing to forgive him.

"That's crazy." She sighed, shaking her head.

"Yup." I shrugged, standing straight up.

Brushing those thoughts out of my mind, we began to do some work as we prepared ourselves for the rush we got right before closing.

"Z, I need you to bring out those champagne bottles from the back." Chyna told me as she came back over to us.

"Alright." I nodded, making my way to he back to get the bottles.

Grabbing them, I made my way back to the front before I felt my stomach jerk.

"Shit." I ran, making my way out of the door to sit the bottles down before I ran to the trash can, emptying my stomach.

"Mm." I whined in pain as I placed my hands on bottom sides of the trash can emptying my stomach again.

"Z." Retta gasped, making her way over to me before she held my hair back.

Emptying my stomach again for a third time, I strained myself as tears fell from my eyes.

"Ouch." I whined, trying my hardest not to throw up again from the sight and smell.

"Is she okay?" Chyna asked worriedly as she came back over to us.

"Oh my god. What happened?" She asked as Retta began to try to explain.

"I don't know. She just started throwing up." She told her as emptied my stomach again for a fourth time, feeling helpless at this point.

As I did, I could hear the music get louder as the DJ spoke loudly over it.

"Aye! I'm gon' need everybody to show some love real quick to my main man who just walked in the club. The owner, the one and only and rich ass nigga for the freaky hoes, Money Makin' Mitchhh." He dragged as the club went crazy and sounds of a horn then fire truck went off from the DJ's sound effects.

"Boo, are you okay?" Retta asked as she finally let go of my hair once I got myself together, standing up straight.

"Yeah." I spoke softly, watching as Mitch made his way passed the station. He didn't even acknowledge me.

"Are you sure?" Retta asked and I nodded slowly, biting my lip to keep from crying.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go home." I told her before I felt myself about to throw up again.

Quickly running back over to the trash can, I emptied my stomach again, crying real tears as I did.

"Chyna, get the manager." I heard Retta panic as she held my hair again.

"Matter fact, get Mitch if you can." She went onto say as my stomach jerked and I just tried my hardest not to throw up again.

I was starting to feel dizzy, considering everything that I'd ate today was in the trash can now. M

"I can't take this." I expressed, still hunched over the trash can, just trying my hardest not to throw up again as my mouth become overwhelming watery.

"Don't worry, boo. Mitch is on his way." She said and I couldn't even be upset.

Not in this moment, I needed him.

"What's gon' on?" I heard his deep voice ask as Retta let go of my hair and I slowly stood to my feet with tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, coming behind the bar as I stood there, looking up at him.

"She threw up like five times, Mitch." Retta went onto say while I stood there with wet eyes, wiping them with my hands.

"Aight." He nodded slowly before sighing.

"I'm gon' get the janitor to clean this shit up. Y'all just gon' ahead on the floor and get back to work." He explained to both Retta and Chyna as he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

Following behind him, we slowly made our way through the club before we got on the elevator together. Standing there, I hadn't even looked his way as I drifted off thinking about the possible reasons for me to be throwing up this way.

As I did, I could feel my mouth watering again as if I was about to throw up again.

"You good?" He asked and I shook my head, turning my face up.

"Baby, don't thro-" He started but stopped as I threw up again all over the floor. I couldn't help myself.

He sighed deeply as the elevator dinged and I stood there, hunched over, feeling helpless while the doors slowly opened.

"Come on, ma." He sighed, pulling his phone out as he helped me out of the elevator and we made our way to his office.

"Sit down." He told me as I slowly sat on the couch and he put his phone to his ear.

"Yo, I need downstairs behind the bar cleaned and the elevator." I heard him say before explaining exactly what happened.

"I don't know man, she just keep throwing up." Was all he said after explaining what happened to I'm guessing, the janitors

"Aight. Hit me back when it's done."


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