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Oh my god. I'm really debating this next move and I can't even imagine the look on all of your faces. It's so funny to me, I can't help but to evil laugh.



Laying in Mitch's bed, we looked into each other's eyes while we reflected on tonight's events. It'd been a long night for me and honestly I just needed to figure out my next move.

I knew I was in no way, shape or form, ready for a baby. We weren't ready for a baby.

"Whatchu thinkin' ma?" He asked as I ran my hands through his hair, looking deeply into his eyes.

"I don't know." I admitted, speaking softly. I didn't no where I was going to go from here or how we would pick up from where we'd left off.

"You're pregnant, baby." His deep voice spoke, reminding me of this growing baby in my stomach.

"3 weeks." He went on, placing his hand over my still flat stomach.

"I know." I spoke softly, remembering my last pregnancy and how much I was throwing up before.

This was the exact same feeling so I should've known from the beginning.

"What we gon' do?" He asked as I looked into his eyes, placing my hand on his cheek.

"Look.." I spoke softly.

"I don't think we're ready." Was all I said as he sighed deeply and I knew I'd just hurt his feelings but I had to.

I didn't want to bring a baby into this world with all of our dysfunction. We needed to get ourselves right before being a life in the mist of it. I was thinking rationally and not with my big heart.

"Babe, I know you want a baby but we can always have one.." I trailed off.

"When we're actually ready." I told him as he slowly pulled away from me and reverted his attention to the ceiling.

Watching his reaction to my words did nothing but hurt me but he would understand eventually. I wasn't ready for a baby right now and he knew it.

And we both just had to respect each other's wishes.

"So you gon' abort this baby too?" He asked, not even looking at me now. He simply looked up at the ceiling while I tried my hardest not to cry.

I didn't want him to see me as an evil person but I knew that's exactly what he was thinking right about now.

"It's not because I want to. But like before I have too, Mitch." I pleaded, just wanting him to understand as tears fell from my eyes anyway.

Looking over to me, he sighed deeply as he pulled me toward him and we laid face and to face again.

"Baby, why can't we just try. We ain't even try yet." He basically pleaded as he held onto me.

"I want you to have my baby, ma. I want Marley to have a little brother or little sister and you know she'd be a good big sister." He went on, rubbing my waist up and down while I listened to his words.

I knew he really wanted this.

"And you know I'a be there for you. I'a do everything I have to, to be a good pops and be a good nigga to you."

"You my heart baby and all I want to do is give you and my babies the world. That's all I been trying to do.." He trailed off, looking me in my eyes with every word.

"All I want to do is love you and-" He trailed off, sliding down to kiss my stomach.

I couldn't help but to smile as he did, feeling him leaving small kisses on my stomach while my mind ran a mile a minute. It was like though his words were sweet and the way he treated me was even sweeter, I just knew in the back of my mind a baby wasn't the best idea for us right now.

"Babe." I called, pushing his head away as he finally came back up.

"I just-"

"I don't know, I think we should think about it first."

"Think about it?" He asked and I nodded slowly.

"Baby, we ain't got that much time. That baby growin' everyday." He went onto say and I nodded.

"I know and that's why I'm going to give you an answer by the end of next week. I want us to go back to therapy and tell Dr. Soapy what's going on."

"I just need an outside opinion." I admitted and I could tell by the look on his face that he was not happy about that but he had no choice but to respect it. Like I respected his wishes.

"Aight, ma." He finally gave in, followed by a sigh.

"Next week." He spoke sternly and I nodded in agreement.

"Next week."

"Aight, Z."

"Come on and let's get some sleep."


Next month

"So this will be your second termination?" The doctor asked as I laid down on the table, watching as he moved the ultra sound tool around on my stomach.

"Yes." I spoke softly, now looking up at the ceiling as I felt guilty again for a second time as well.

"Did you completely come to a decision? Is the father present? Does he want to come in?" He asked and I sighed deeply, slowly shaking my head no.

Mitch was livid with my decision and he'd told me that if I went through with this that him and I would no longer be together. He was completely against this entire thing and honestly I couldn't blame him but I had every right to do what I wanted with my body.

It was my body. My baby.

"No. I'm just going this on my own." I expressed to the doctor and he nodded slowly, simply watching the screen.

"Alright." Was all he said as he finally removed the tool and began to sanitize everything.

"So we're going to try and get you in today for the abortion. There isn't many today so we can slide you in with about four other young girls." He went onto explain and I nodded, already knowing all of this.

"But first, you must complete a lesson over in the director's room. Basically showing you and the other girls a video about labor, the baby and what happens when you get an abortion. Just simply making sure that this is what you want to do before actually doing it." He expressed and I nodded, remembering all of these procedures.

"Okay." I nodded slowly, sitting up as he began to hand me papers.

"Then once that's finished, we can get you started and take that baby out of there." He kind of joked and I bit my lip nervously, wishing that Mitch was here with me.

This was the second time and he wasn't here with me. Again.

"Okay." Was all I said as I stood to my feet, sighing deeply.

"Don't worry hun, you'll be fine." The doctor said to me while I smiled small, grabbing all of my things.


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