Chapter 1: Royce Still Missing...

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If you haven't read "A Siamese Cat Guardian's Love" and you're reading this, I HIGHLY recommend you read it so you'll understand this story, if not, then you won't understand this story. You have been warned!

10 Years Later...

Ancient Arabia

Present Time

1001 A.D.

Royce is still missing and now his wife, Ashla has given up in searching for her 21-year-old husband.

Meanwhile, Ashloy starts to question her mom, Ashla about her father, Royce and what he was like.

Ashla: "Well, he was the nicest, er~" Ashla tried to answer her 10-year-old daughter but couldn't find one as a result. "Carmelita, guys, help me out here!"

Carmelita: "Your dad was different from the rest of us. Never really existed in this time or dimension."

Ashloy: "Is that true Uncle Bentley?"

Bentley: "Yes, in fact he had a unique personality, even with his ideas; before we even came around, your father and mother had quite an interesting past. Even to go to the extra mile that he's deeply care for you and your mom. Special indeed, not to mention if we'd share ideas from time to time when we knew each other."

Ashloy: "Uh... I don't understand..."

Ashla: "you'll understand when you're older, Ashloy."

Ashloy was a smart Siamese Cat for her age of 10 years; clever like her mother, and head-strong like her father. She also had a love for Bentley's science experiments, so much that she sit around the living room and watch the turtle perform his most but practical dangerous experiments: Dimensional-Traveling and what not.

Ashloy: "Uncle Bentley, do you have any idea where my dad could be?"

Bentley: "In fact I am! I'm using the one single hair I managed to find and put it in the time machine.

Carmelita: "You still looking for Royce, Bentley? It's been 10 years now since he's gone missing!"

Bentley: "If Ashloy doesn't and won't give up on finding her father, then I won't either, isn't that right, Ashloy?"

Ashloy: "Yes Uncle Bentley."

Sly Cooper: "The one thing Bentley is known for getting people's hopes up. And is usually succeeds at it too."

Carmelita: "While you two are doing whatever you are doing, I want to go back to Paris."

Ashloy: "I wanna go with Aunt Carmelita! Can I mom? Can I, can I?!" Ashloy asks her mother as Carmelita then looks at Ashla for an answer.

Ashla: "I don't see why not, just promise me that our child will NOT get hurt when you go back to wherever this 'Paris' place is, please. She's the only thing I have to be considered close family with Royce."

Carmelita: "I~ I promise she'll be safe." Carmelita promised the Siamese Cat Captain as Carmelita then wanted Ashloy to get her father's neon-colored backpack and start packing, "Ashloy, start packing, we're going to leave here in a couple of minutes."

Ashloy: "Yes Aunt Carmelita."

Ashla: "Oh, and Carmelita, if you see Royce, please make sure to call me with this," Ashla says as she hands her Royces' inter-dimensional communicator, "it's important that we become whole once more..."

Carmelita: "You have my word."

Ashloy: "Aunt Carmelita, I'm ready!"

And with Ashloy ready to leave with Carmelita and Carmelita keeping her word, the duo begin to go back to present day Paris.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: A Daughter's Determination (Book 2) (A Sly Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now