Chapter 11: The Interview...

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Meanwhile, at Daily 5 News HQ...

Jessica Harley: "Jessica Harley here with the Daily 5 News, and I have brought 2 special guests that saved the City of Paris from a terrible Monster; welcome the Monster Slayer and Interpol's Well-Known Inspector: Carmelita Montoya Fox," Jessica Harley said as she introduced Carmelita and called Royce the Monster Hunter, since she didn't know his name, "Say Ms.Fox of Interpol, what is this Monster Slayer's name, and how well do you know him?"

Carmelita: "Well... you see... explaining to you on how we met would be difficult to explain. How I became his Hunting Partner, simple: Interpol was in desperate need of taking out the Monster we slain minutes ago. So I come to my boss with a solution and say 'I might have an idea'."

Jessica Harley: "So... what happened next, uh... what is your name?"

Royce: "It's Royce, Ms.Harley. As to what happened next: I'm watching the News and tending to my daughter. Then, all of a sudden... Ms.Fox comes in barging into our apartment and tells me to get my Monster Hunting gear and come with her."

Jessica Harley: "What was your reaction, Royce, when your Partner... came back to your apartment of residence and told you you to come with her to slay the Monster?"

Royce: "I was thinking: 'this again? Where's my Flame Sword and Shield'? And then I'm taking my daughter with us and dropped her off at the Interpol Headquarters. Just in case we uh... you know... die."

Jessica Harley: "Just curious Ms.Carmelita, did you ever have a child with Mr.Royce here? He does look like the charming one, wouldn't you agree?"

Carmelita: "I~ uh... yes, I agree. He DOES have his moments."

Jessica Harley: "Royce..."

Royce: "Yes?"

Jessica Harley: "How would you compare your professionalism versus Carmelita's professionalism?"

Royce: "Carmelita hunts criminals of many kind and I hunt Monsters; they're similar because they're both dangerous and require different tactics on how to approach and deal with said threats. As for Professionalisms... Carmelita, I think is more according to the Book, while myself... I'm more of a free-lancer and wait for my next opportunity to Monster Hunt."

Jessica Harley: "Ms.Fox, what was your experience like when you were fighting said Monster?"

Carmelita: "It'd be anyone's reaction: Fear. But thanks to Royce, he figured out that thing's second weaknesses would be Electricity (Thunder), Blast, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis and with Dragon being the least effective. Then there was Water and Ice that had ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT."

Jessica Harley: "Royce... how or what would you consider your relationship with the Inspector?"

Royce: "My honest answer, Jessica? I see her more as family but still a friend. We tend to keep close to each other. So uh, we're in the Friend-Zone as one would probably say, Jessica," Royce then grabs Carmelita's hand underneath the table while no one was noticing, "especially since those whom will devote their attention," Royce once again smiles at Carmelita, "and love towards their spouses."

Jessica Harley: "So you're saying that you see her, I mean Ms.Carmelita, as more of a spouse than a friend? No?"

Royce: "In a way, yes."

Jessica Harley: "... Aaaaannnnnd CUT!!"

Jessica says as the Camera Crewmen end the Live News Broadcast and everyone prepares for the next exclusive.

Royce: "So... Jessica, what do we do next?"

Jessica Harley: "You two can go back home."

As Carmelita and Royce were just about to leave the studio, Jessica called out to Royce (which got his attention) and gave him a slip of paper.

Jessica Harley: "Call me when you need something..."

Royce then left Jessica  (after they exchanged numbers) and went back to Carmelita's side.

Carmelita: "What was that about?"

Royce: "News-lady gave me her number, maybe it was for... I dunno..."

Carmelita: "I~ I understand," Carmelita says as she nuzzles her head against Royce's neck, "this will be our little secret... Say... do you really like~ care about me?"

Royce: "I wouldn't see why not."

Carmelita: "You didn't answer my question..."

Royce: "In a way, kinda."

Will Royce fall for Carmelita, will he stay loyal to Ashla? What's with this new girl: Jessica? Is Carmelita jealous? Stay tuned in for the next Chapter...

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