Chapter 13: Carmelita's Day Off

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The Next Day...

After Carmelita and Royce slayed the Barioth, were interviewed by Daily 5 News and returned home to surprise Carmelita (with a little something special)... Royce and Carmelita began to start a relationship according to Royce's terms.

Royce notices he's not sleeping on his usual air-mattress, and is sleeping by Inspector Fox.

Royce: "AHH!!" Royce panicked and screamed out loud waking Carmelita whom immediately grabbed her Shock Pistol in fear. "Carmelita, please don't tell me we~"

Carmelita: "Huh- what?! Oh, it's just you Royce. What's wrong?" Carmelita asked, concerned for Royce.

Royce: "Please don't tell me we~"

Carmelita: "Royce... you're serious, right?" She then looks underneath the sheets out of fear, "phew!" Seeing that all her pajamas were still on, she knew the risks she was taking, "no Royce."

Royce: "Then how in the world did I end up in bed with you? I mean seriously?!"

Carmelita: "I took you to my bed when you were deeply asleep."

Royce: "Of course you did..., say, you think Ashloy is awake by this time?"

Carmelita looks at her alarm clock.

Carmelita: "Right about... ... ... now!" Carmelita then begins to hear Ashloy wake up, "Yep, she's awake now. Get changed!" Carmelita says as Royce leaves her room with Ashloy beginning to open her room.

Ashloy: "Morning dad..." Ashloy says to her dad while rubbing her eyes as a result of the bright lights of Paris, "It's so bright outside, how are you and Aunt Carmelita used to this?"

Royce: "From where your Aunt and I are from; the light is usually this bright, especially in the morning. Isn't that right, Carmelita?"

Carmelita: "Yes, North America is especially bright around this year (September), it's also pretty cool around this time of year..."

Ashloy: "Oh... I didn't know that. Never been to this North America thing you talk about."

Then all of a sudden, Royce gets a call (I mean text) from Jessica Harley.

Jessica Harley: "Hey, I need to discuss important matters with you; care to join me over some coffee? Oh, and don't forget to tell Ms.Fox, it's over coffee."

Carmelita: "Royce, who was that?"

Royce: "It was Ms.Harley, and she was asking for us to join her over some coffee. Can we go and get some, it's been a while since I had a good old cup of joe!"

Carmelita: "Ashloy, go and make yourself some breakfast, and put on something that aren't pajamas. We're going into the City, and Royce... I'm getting you some nicer clothing than those that you currently possess."

Royce: "OKay Carmelita. Clothes shopping, my favorite..."

Ashloy: "Aunt Carmelita, why do boys hate shopping?"

Carmelita: "I dunno why Ashloy, ask your dad, he might know..."

Royce: "Don't ask me, I don't know."

Carmelita: "O... K..."

After Ashloy made herself breakfast and changed out of her night attire, Royce puts on his Monster Hunting gear (this time no weapons!) and with Carmelita changing into a nice dress for wearing in public before heading into her police cruiser and driving the destinated Starbucks.

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