Chapter 28: The Behavior Analysis Test (The Algebra Portion)

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Jessica Harley: "Now for the first Test we are going to do some simple algebra; just some adding and subtracting. Now, if you're a good boy and don't rant me out right now, I won't shoot you on the spot," Royce only looks at her with dead-eyes as if not knowing what was about to go on, "but if you misbehave, I'll shoot you." She threatened.

Royce: "That's it?" Royce said with confusion.

Jessica Harley: "Yes, now be a good boy and solve the problems on paper." The female Wolf KGB and Hybrid Hunter said to the 21-year-old human.

50+79 (Royce writes in 129)

7.5 • 2 (Royce writes in 15)

-1092 + 71 (Royce writes in -1021)

-1507 -51 (Royce writes in-1558)

Jessica Harley: "...Aaaannd TIME, now," Jessica says as she flips to the next page before bringing out cubes with various Red and White colorations, "you're going to match colours according to the pictures. Understood? And do it as fast as you can. Ready? Go!"

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