Chapter 24: Discharge from the Hospital?

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Royce: "Hey Kiddo, yeah, I bet your head hurts."

Ashloy: "I feel sick."

Royce: "Carmelita, can you go and ask the doctor if she is supposed to be feeling sick after waking up? Please?"

Carmelita: "Yes, I'll go and get the doctors, Royce."

Then Carmelita left to go and get the doctor assigned to Ashloy.

Doctor: "From what I've been told, Ashloy survived a direct shot to the head and is now feeling sick."

Royce: "Yes Doctor, can she go home or does she have to stay in the hospital?"

Doctor: "That is ENTIRELY up to her. But she'll have to keep the bandages on her head on just so her wounds will effectively heal."

Royce: "Ashloy, baby, do you want to stay here or go home with us?"

Ashloy didn't have to think hard about this as a result.

Doctor: "Alright, I'll have a nurse bring in a wheelchair and have Ashloy here discharged from the hospital so you 2 can go home."

12 minutes later...

Carmelita: "Well... we're out of that hospital, and we'll need a way to disguise Ashloy from any presence of the KGB agent trying to hunt her down." Royce then already came up with an idea and used some of Carmelita's tinted glasses and Royce's baggy clothing, "looks odd on her but it'll keep her identity a secret for the time being, good job, Royce."

Royce: "I know what I'm doing."

20 minutes later...

Carmelita: "Well, we're here."

Royce: "Yes, yes we are. Ashloy, go to your room. You'll need your sleep."

Ashloy: "But..."

Royce: "No 'Buts', I know you'll need your sleep because you're a Cat, and cats need their sleep. You've suffered a serious injury. Do you want to make it worse?"

Ashloy: "No Dad..." Ashloy said, not wanting to embarrass herself and make her father mad, "I'm sorry," Ashloy told her father as she left to go to her room.

Royce: "Ashloy," she then turns around, "you did nothing wrong, and don't be sorry. Just go to your room. We'll take care, trust us."

And like that, Ashloy went to her room to sleep for the next 24 hours.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: A Daughter's Determination (Book 2) (A Sly Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now