Chapter 4: Carmelita's Apartment.

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Ashloy: "Happy now?! Now release my dad!"

Seeing an angry kid intimidated the Police Chief.

Police Chief: "Carmelita, I'm releasing this 'Human' as the girl calls it into your possession, if it causes any, and I mean ANY trouble, it'll be your career at stake! Is that understood, Ms.Fox?"

Carmelita: "Yes sir," Carmelita said to her former teacher as she began filling out paper work for his release, "he'll be well-behaved."

Police Chief: "He better, cause if he isn't... it's back in that cell!" Hearing this made Royce gulp out of fear and anxiety.

Royce then walks out of the interrogation room he was residing in and looks at Carmelita blankly.

Carmelita: "Also Chief, I'll need that Armor he was wearing from the Evidence Locker."

Police Chief: "Why?"

Carmelita: "It's for~ uh, the child, she wishes to be like her dad someday."

Police Chief: "I'm going to make a call to the Evidence Locker and Carmelita, don't make me regret it!"

After acquiring Royce and his armor and returning back to her house...

Royce: "Wow, nice digs."

Ashloy: "Digs? What does Daddy mean by 'nice digs' Aunt Carmelita?"

Carmelita: "I'm pretty sure he's saying it's a nice looking apartment. Something like that, right Royce?"

Royce: "Sure, if you say so; say Carm, do you have an extra bed, mattress or something?"

Carmelita: "Yes I do," she says as she gets out her one and only spare air mattress equipped with an air compressor, "you'll be sleeping on this as long as you're living in this residence."

Royce: "It's more than comfortable enough, thanks Carmelita." Royce then noticed a picture of Carmelita and him together along with a separate picture of him, Ashla and a month-year-old Ashloy, "Say, are you like my girlfriend or something?"

Carmelita heard this made her blush.

Carmelita: "NO, why you say that?"

Royce: "Well... you're putting one of your hands around my neck in a lovingly way, and when someone blushes, it means they usually have an attraction towards someone else. Then there's THAT girl, who is she?"

Ashloy: "That's you with Mommy... and that's me as a... a baby?"

Royce: "Yes... that~ that is you as a month-year-old."

Carmelita: "Your child is right; I'm her Aunt, and I'm DEFINITELY not your girlfriend, Ashla here, is your wife."

Meanwhile, at night...

Royce fell asleep at 10:42 and with Carmelita reading Ashloy a bed-time story before heading to bed herself.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: A Daughter's Determination (Book 2) (A Sly Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now