Chapter 2: The (Mysterious) Arrested Man

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Once Carmelita and Ashloy get to present-day Paris, Carmelita found more than the perfect room for Ashloy to begin sleeping and getting herself set up into making her room.

Ashloy: "Aunt Carmelita, why does it feel so comfortable in here?"

Carmelita: "Probably because it's the A/C."

Ashloy: "A/C, what's that?"

Carmelita: "Air Conditioning: it's what we use around here to either cool down or heat up the house. Make yourself comfortable, that's what it's for."

Ashloy: "Did Daddy have the same things before he met Mommy, Aunt Carmelita?"

Carmelita: "I don't know Ashloy bit~" Carmelita says as she was rudely interrupted by a phone call, "uh-huh, yeah, I'll be there immediately! Ashloy, put on those clothes right there," pointing towards the table-top, "I'm taking you with me!"

12 minutes later...

Carmelita: "All right, what seems to be the problem?!" Carmelita yells out loud as the entire department goes silent. Only for one person to point towards an arrested man, Carmelita sighs, knowing this was Royce (how he got there, I got no idea for now) "what has he been arrested for? And did you book him?"

Pig Cop: "Hmm," looks at paper, "apparently resisting arrest, hostile behavior, public recklessness, and potential intoxication. And no, he hasn't been booked yet, that's why we called you in."

Carmelita: "I want him in for interrogation."

Pig Cop: "But~"

Carmelita: "I said I want him in for interrogation, this man has done nothing wrong~"

Police Chief: "Can you prove that, Inspector?"

Her old tutor asked, coming in as he saw what was going on. The Police Chief then saw what was about to happen and disapproved of Carmelita's actions.

Carmelita: "If you won't let prove it to you, then pull up his right sleeve, that'll be more than enough..."

So the Police Chief pulled you Royce's right sleeve and was shocked to see a Medical Bracelet labeled: Epilepsy, then the Chief let Carmelita begin her interrogation. But began to question himself on what was really going on.

Ashloy: "Aunt Carmelita, do you know where Daddy is?"

Carmelita: "In fact I do Ashloy, he's right inside that cage," (should I say "cage" or "cell"?), these men are going to put him in a confined room and then someone is going to begin asking him questions," Carmelita continues explaining to Ashloy as Royce enters first, then Carmelita and Ashloy.

Royce: "What's with the kid?"

Carmelita: "Focus, up here." Carmelita said, trying to straighten his attention, "now then, name..."

Royce: "I~ uh... it's, uhh- Royce."

Carmelita: "Give me your full information..."

Royce: "I~ I don't remember..."

Carmelita: *sighs* "Your name is Royce DeBarry: you are a 21-Year-Old Human male; you have a Siamese Cat wife, Ashla, and a kid named Ashloy." Hearing this made Ashloy excited, but Carmelita calmed her down. Then Carmelita brought out her "Wild-card", "This is a picture of you, your wife and of course your child: Ashloy."

Seeing and absorbing all this information like a sponge seem to have a painful reaction as to trying to remember the previous events, but only in bits and pieces.

Royce: "I'm sorry for leaving family, had to defend Arabia, miss kid and wife, wanna go home." Royce says with nausea, dizziness, disorientation, head spinning around, and a hint of delusion.

Carmelita: "Alright!" Carmelita then signals the recording to stop recording and waits for approval before her and Ashloy leave the interrogation Room.

Royce then puts both his hands up to his face and covers them in anxiety and stress and whatnot.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: A Daughter's Determination (Book 2) (A Sly Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now