Chapter 31: The Results

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3 Weeks Later...

Carmelita: "Well Royce, I got your results from the B.A.C. And well... oh my! Just like I thought: you have Autism. Hmm..."

Royce: "I- I have Autism? I find that hard to believe, let me see that paper!"

Carmelita: "Nope! As your Legal Guardian, I am entitled to know of this information before you," she says as she gets on her phone and looks up 'Autism', due to the fact that she knew near absolutely nothing about the disability.

Royce: "I thought I only had Epilepsy."

Ashloy: "Dad, Aunt Carmelita," Ashloy opens her door as she hears her Aunt talking to her dad, "are you two okay?"

Carmelita: "Yes, we're okay Ashloy. Just talking about your dad's Test Results." Carmelita then continues reading the information on Autism, "Apparently your dad has a developmental and intellectual disorder," Carmelita says with sadness as she looked towards Ashloy and with a disheartening tone. "Your dad will never be the same."

Royce: "SPEAK FOR YOURSELF! I SAID GIVE ME THAT STUPID PIECE OF PAPER!!" Royce says with aggression as he begins to lose his patience because Carmelita wouldn't give him the information that belongs to him and that affects him!

Also, that following night, Carmelita had to read a 7-page Psychological Evaluation on Royce which was a lot of information she had to process.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: A Daughter's Determination (Book 2) (A Sly Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now