Chapter 10: Getting Noticed

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Royce: "Carmelita, who is this chick- er, I mean Civilian?! I thought there weren't any civilians in the area!"

News Lady: "Excuse me sir, but what is your name and what are your intentions involving the Monster in this City and did you know that you just saved thousands of lives and businesses?"

Royce: "Um... wait a minute, is this Live? Like all~" Royce stutters as Carmelita then flashes her Interpol badge towards the News Lady and Reporter, "A-hem," Royce cleared his throat, "Like I was saying: I co-operated with the Inter-national Agency known as Interpol; my Hunting Partner here, Ms.Inspector Fox helped in pursuing this Beast..."

News Lady: "Ms.Fox, you (Royce), get in the News Chopper; this is a Special Inside Edition! You two are welcome to a personal Interview on how you two saved Paris!"

Carmelita: "Excuse me Miss, but before my friend and I here board that Chopper of yours, I want you to identify yourself!"

News Lady: "My apologies Ms.Fox, I forgot to introduce myself to your 'partner'. My name is Jessica Harley..."

Carmelita: "Jessica Harley? As in Jessica Harley from the Daily 5 News, Jessica Harley?!"

Jessica Harley: "Yes, yes it is. Don't believe me? Here," Jessica Harley then hands the Inspector her ID and credentials for positive identification that she says who she says she is, "see, told you..."

Carmelita: "Alright, you check out Ms.Harley. Royce, do as the lady says." Carmelita says as he gets into the News Helicopter as she joins in and sits right between Jessica (whom was trying to get close to) and Royce.

Jessica Harley: "Alright Pilot, hey, get us airborne! Our guests are strapped in!"

Pilot: "This is Charles here, I will be your pilot for today, so sit back, relax and enjoy the flight! Destination: Daily 5 News HQ!"

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: A Daughter's Determination (Book 2) (A Sly Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now