Chapter 32: "The Decision"

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Carmelita: *Carmelita sighs before gently waking her 21-year-old human friend* "It's time..."

Royce: "Huh? Time for what? Carmelita, go back to sleep. It's 1:30 in the morning!"

Carmelita: "It's time that you and Ashloy return back to Ancient Arabia."

Royce: "Why Carmelita? Why? Why send us home?"

Carmelita: "It's~ you two would be too much responsibility. And I think that It'd be better if I sent the both of you back to 1001 A.D. Ancient Arabia. Royce, you seem happier with her, right?"

Royce looks at Carmelita with sad eyes before sighing.

Royce: "Carmelita... do what you must do..."

Carmelita: "You don't get it, do you?! I can't take this stress of where you and your kid's safety is at risk! Not to mention you're handicapped! And here's your paper..."

Royce grabs the Psychological Examination and begins reading to the fullest of his extent.

12 minutes later...

Royce: "Okay, that was interesting... and stupid." Royce then precedes to put the paper down and look at Carmelita, "you want me to go and wake Ashloy and have prepare for the journey home?"

Carmelita: "Yes, but do it gently. Then tell her that the two of you are returning home."

Royce: "Alright," Royce says as prepares to get dressed and heads towards Ashloy's room, "Ashloy, Ashloy, wake up. Time to go home, back to Ancient Arabia."

Ashloy: "I- I don't want to get up! I wanna sleep a little bit more!" She said groggily.

Royce: "Did I mention that we're going to see mom?!"

Ashloy: "MOM?! WHERE?!"

Royce: "Aunt Carmelita says we'll see her soon. She wants you to get dressed, packed and readied for the trip back home. So get ready."

1 Hour Later...

Carmelita: "Alright, you two ready?"

Royce: "I'm ready, Ashloy, you ready?"

Ashloy: "Yes, I got my old clothes, Aunt Carmelita and dad."

Royce: "This is our farewell, huh?"

Carmelita: "Yes, yes this is... but first I got to call Bentley," she says as she dials Bentley's number to which he answers immediately, "Yes, uh huh, wait! Right now? Okay." Then she ends the conversation with the Box Turtle before redirecting her attention towards the Autistic and epileptic 21-year-old, "so Bentley will be ready in about... now!"

Then there was a knock at the front door to which Carmelita went to answer.

Carmelita: "Hello, who's there?"

Bentley: "It's just me, Ms.Fox."

30 Minutes later...

Bentley: "Here we are, our old Paris hideout," Bentley informed the Interpol Vixen, "how ever, since you've left Royce, things have seriously changed. I haven't seen the others, so if you decide to go back to 1001 A.D., be careful!"

Royce: "What about my wife and her mom?!"

Bentley: "Be cautious! Seems as if someone has re-established control of Ancient Arabia, so still... be careful." The Box Turtle informed both Siamese Cat daughter and 21-year-old father as they walked into the portal and were dropped off in the year 1001 A.D.

The Third in the Series is "A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia."

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