Chapter 14: Coffee with Jessica Harley

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Once Royce, Ashloy and Carmelita arrived at the Starbucks that Jessica wanted to meet him at; Carmelita flashed her Interpol badge and got 15% off her 2 drinks (one for her and Ashloy), but when Royce stepped up, he was automatically allowed to be given free Starbucks coffee drinks. Making Carmelita jealous.

Carmelita:"WHAT?! He gets free coffee and~ nope, nevermind. Makes sense."

Cashier: "What makes sense?"

Carmelita: "What makes sense is that he gets free coffee and I get a fiveteen percent discount off of all Starbucks drinks."

Cashier: "You really wanna know why? It's because that 'beast' nearly destroyed this establishment, so the management said that only in this building that he'll get free drinks. You, on the other hand, you get a 15% discount off all Starbucks because you're a First Responder."

Carmelita: "I'm sorry for that."

Cashier: "Enjoy your drink Ms.Fox!"

Carmelita: "Thank you, I will...," Carmelita said thanking the cashier while holding Ashloy's hand and going to a nearby table across from Royce to keep a close eye on him while he was conversing with Jessica, "Ashloy, have you ever had or tasted coffee?"

Ashloy: "No. Mother said coffee will make me silly, crazy or whatnot like daddy then I'll~ uh..."

Carmelita: "I understand. Well here's your first cup of coffee if you promise me to not become all hyper and run around the place. Can you promise me that, Ashloy?"

Ashloy: "I~ I promise Aunt Carmelita. No getting hyper allowed after drinking my coffee!"

Meanwhile, with Royce and Jessica...

Jessica Harley: "I see you got the text. Now, onto business... I only messaged you, hey are you listening?! Why are you staring at me like that?! Seriously, why?" Jessica kept asking Royce, trying to understand him.

Royce: "Tell me Ms.Harley, why did you really want me here?"

Jessica Harley: "Are you single, Royce," Hearing this question made the 21-year-old somewhat uncomfortable. "Are you into wolves, cause you know, you're looking at one." Jessica looked at Royce with a seductive expression as his face turned bright red out of embarrassment. "Got any children? Is that Siamese Cat with Ms.Fox yours? She looks adorable."

Royce: "That is my business, not yours," Royce replied with hostility. "Look, I only came here out of generosity, not so that some News Lady that I barely know can flirt with me. Got it?" Royce told Jessica as he slammed his clenched fists onto the table with hostility and some force. "Now why did you drag me here to meet?"

Jessica Harley: "So I can kill you..."

Royce: "Ha, ha, ha," Royce laughs as he looks at the wolf's face, "holy crap, you're serious?!"

Jessica Harley: "Nah... now why would I kill someone without justification? Sounds stupid!"

Royce: "But you WERE planning on killing me?"

Jessica Harley: "Nope, just seeing how you would react. You know... you gained a LOT of attention from fighting that thing out there."

Royce: "I had help you know..."

Jessica Harley: "Ah, yes, I remember recording the entire fight. Quite the performance I'll say!"

Royce: "... And could've gotten you and Charles killed; Barioth's are HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE and DANGEROUS, I'm surprised that Ms.Fox and I were able to keep it occupied and not on any civilian. Seriously though, if it wasn't for your (live) broadcasting over France. Paris would've been a giant frozen apocalyptic wasteland, trust me, I know what it is like!"

Jessica Harley: "It seems as if though you've had experience with these Monsters, right?"

Royce: "You have no idea... say Jessica, why invite me over for some coffee? I still haven't figured that out yet."

Jessica Harley: "Just to chat; get to know you better, the works; get to know Paris's savior!" Jessica then looks down at her hand and sees that her shift is close to starting, "Uh, Royce, sorry to end our little conversation but my shift is about to start and I need to leave and pronto." Jessica then proceeded to head towards the front door.

Royce then grabbed his caffeinated drink and sat with Carmelita and Ashloy, seeing to which they were having a fun time talking to each other about random subjects.

Royce: "Carmelita, Ashloy, you two finished your coffee? Cause I finished mine."

Ashloy: "Almost, mmm... so good I want some more please?"

Carmelita: "I'm finished too, and Ashloy... no more coffee, we're going home," Carmelita said to Ashloy as they (Royce and Carmelita) decided to leave a $10 tip for the services.

Meanwhile, in Carmelita's car...

Carmelita: "Say... what were you and Ms.Harley talking about? All I do know is that I say your reddened face and the way she smiled."

Royce: "Nothing... it was nothing." Royce said not wanting to talk about his insecurities.

Carmelita: "That ends that conversation." Carmelita says as she headed to the nearest clothing store, something that yelled "style". "Hey Royce, how familiar are you with clothing stores?"

Royce: "Mom used to take me to all sorts of tailoring, err~ I mean clothes shops; mainly JC-Penny (JCP), Good-Will, something like that. But nothing too rich!"

Carmelita: "Okay, so you have some experience, that's good."

Royce: "Oh, and then there was Ashla! She made me desert clothing, remember?"

Carmelita: "I do."

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