Chapter 5: "Face-Timing with Ashla."

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Ashloy notices Carmelita was gone and her father sleeping on his air mattress, she then sees a nearby computer and questions herself.

Ashloy: "What is this thing," Ashloy questions herself as she approaches the computer and reads a note attached to it, "Ashloy, open up this computer like you would a box and you'll immediately be put into contact with your uncle's and mom."

Ashloy then opened up the laptop and the inter-dimensional connection began to buffer, just waiting for someone on the other line.

Meanwhile, on the other side...

Ashloy continued waiting patiently until Bentley opened his laptop.

Bentley: "Ashloy, you made it to Paris! Enjoying the sights and whatnot? Say, have you found what you we're looking for, any whereabouts on your father?"

Ashloy then swivels the laptops head and points towards a sleeping Royce.

Bentley: "Blazing Blue Moons! That's Royce?! Wait until Ashla sees and hears about this!" Bentley then yells and wakes up Sly and Murray whom came into the living room, "guys, guess what?!"

Sly: "What is it buddy?" Sly asked his turtle companion, knowing that Bentley wouldn't straight up yell for no reason.

Murray: "Is it about Royce?" The Murray asked his turtle friend as soon as Ashla entered the house from her shift.

Ashla: "What is it about this talk about Royce?!" Ashla questioned the Gang, only to hear her one and only daughter say hello.

Ashloy: "Hi Mommy, guess who I found yesterday?" As she turned the laptop screen back to her then for Ashla to regain the energy from her long day and towards Bentley's computer.

Ashla: "Who?"

Ashloy: "I found Daddy, look~" Ashloy swivels the laptop screen around towards Royce whom was barely beginning to wake up.

Ashla: "Now Ashloy~" Ashla stutters as she then sees the husband and man she given search up on 10 years ago. "Oh my! No! No it can't be! He's there? You- you found your dad. That's- that's awesome. Well- stay safe. Say..."

Ashloy: "Daddy's waking up!" Ashloy says as Royce begins to wake from his sleep. "Daddy!! Daddy!! Guess who I'm talking to? Guess!!"

Royce: "Calm down Ashloy, I just woke up and I'm not awake yet."

Ashloy: "WELL WAKE UP!!!" Ashloy demanded as Ashla giggled resulting in Royce recognizing the giggle (and voice) as his wife, Ashla.

Royce: "ASHLA?! But how did you~ and where am I~ I do miss you..."

Ashla: "I know, it's been a long time. I quit searching for~"

Ashloy: "Mommy's said she didn't stop looking for you for 10 years."

Royce: "10 years? Has it been that long? I still feel like and look like I'm 21."

Ashla: "You're right about that! Say, how is your time in, uh, Paris? Is Carmelita there?"

Royce: "I, uh~"

Ashloy: "Aunt Carmelita left, said she had to go to work."

Ashla: "Did she now?"

Royce: "I'm uh, I'm going to make Ashloy something to eat and I'm going to make myself some coffee, be right back!" Royce told Ashla through the laptop and while also talking to Ashloy at the same time. "How is Arabia? And how is the Gang doing? They doin fine too?" Royce asked Ashla through the laptop as Royce was making himself some coffee, along with breakfast for him and Ashloy.

Ashla: "Honestly: It's been like it's been before I met you, slow; the Gang on the other hand, they have been, I dunno... laid back."

Royce: "Have they ever found out how to bring us back to (Ancient) Arabia? Cause, honestly, I miss IT and more importantly YOU, it hurts my heart seeing that I can't be with my favorite cat and family." Hearing this made Ashla tear up a bit and even made Ashloy cry a bit as she awaited to be fed.

Ashla: "I~ I gotta go. Important business and whatnot."

Ashla then ends the transmission, confusing Ashloy and making her sad.

Ashloy: "Dad, why did Mommy disappear? Where did she go?"

Royce: "She's there, just not, uh, interacting with us anymore. You heard her, she's got things to do. Just like we do. Now please, eat." The 21-year-old explained to his Siamese Cat daughter.

Ashloy: "Daddy..." Ashloy said, wanting her fathers attention.

Royce: "Yes?..."

Ashloy: "What are you going to eat for breakfast? I mean you are hungry, right?"

Royce: "Of course I am Ashloy. Just... not as much as you would be... let's see, does she have Scorpion?" Royce was mumbling to himself which of course Ashloy heard.

Ashloy: "Scorpion?! You love Scorpion?! Can I have some with my cereal, pretty please?!"

Royce: "Eat your cereal and I'll think about it... that's if I can find some..." Royce says to his daughter as he scavenges through the pantries.

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