Chapter Three

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Ringo really wanted to pay for the bag of chocolate croissants John offered him, but the younger man insisted that he could have it for free. "I got more than enough to satisfy my own needs, you and your mum are going through some rough times and can't afford to lose any cash. Next time you come around I'll offer discounts."

"T. Th.. Thanks. I better be off now, I'll need to get to mum and tell her I'm alright." Picking up his bag, Ringo made his way out the door and rushed off to the hospital.

Old Elsie Starkey was laying on her cot, she wasn't quite as sick as when Ringo last saw her, but she was still struggling to walk. "Richard? Is that you?"

"Yes Mum, I came as fast as I could.. Sorry I couldn't call yesterday."

"You look like you were in a mad tussle. I was worried you were snatched!"

"I nearly was, but whoever was attacking got scared off somehow. It was a miracle that I got out alright."

"Maybe you have a guardian angel watching over you, that's how you got through all those illnesses you had as a kid. Your grandfather didn't nickname you Lazarus for nothing now." Elsie smiled, reaching over to caress his cheek. "Oh? What's that you got there?"

"Just some croissants, a baker found me out cold and offered me these as a gift. He was really kind, letting me stay at his home and even giving me free food. Maybe he's my guardian angel."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he were. Mm, those sure smell good. Now that I'm finally off that liquid diet, I'd love to have some real food in me."


"This place is bustling full of customers! Looks like my little shop is a hit." John remarked as he kept all the orders coming. Word of the best cake shop in town passed around, now flocks of hungry passerbys just had to stop and try all the goodies he had in store.

Of course being a demon meant he had no real use for all their cash, so he had to lower the prices soon enough. "I wonder if Ringo could use any of this excess money. It's not like I'll ever need to buy anything, it's all sent up from home." He thought once it was finally closing time.

A familiar face walked by and smiled. "It's it too late to get more croissants?"

"I'm afraid they're all sold out, but I do have a little something I was thinking of adding to our stock. You won't mind taste testing it would you?"

"Just as long as it's not too heavy. My boss Brian treated me to dinner and I'm so stuffed right now." Poking his bloated belly for emphasis.

Smiling, John lead him inside and got out a chocolate fudge cake with coconut shavings on top. "I made this with coconut flour, thought it would be good for those who can't eat gluten."

Taking a bite, Ringo was in pure bliss from how delicious it was. He didn't know how he did it, but everything John made was tastier than any other treat he ever had. "So.. So good! Ooh.. I know I shouldn't overeat but I'm craving more already."

"A few more couldn't hurt. I mean, I overstuff myself all the time." Pooching out his belly as he responded.

Picking up a few more, Ringo swallowed them all down, feeling his gut grow heavier once he was finished. "Oooooh.. I feel like I might burst soon."

Laying him down on the counter, John gently kneeded his belly, smirking as the older man let out a few burps. "There we go, feeling better?"

"Much better now. But I think I'm too full to head home.."

"Well then you can stay with me tonight. I'm always happy to have you over."

Smiling, John carried him over to his home, laying him down in bed. "Sleep well, I'm just gonna go lock up the shop but I'll be back."

Ringo Starr's in: My Boyfriend Is A DemonWhere stories live. Discover now