Chapter Seven

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"Boy that cake was the greatest! How do you make it all so good?" Ringo moaned, rubbing his stuffed belly.

"All in my cooking skills. I put all my heart into everything I make, I bake to make everyone happy." John smiled, he delivered a double decker marble cake topped with whipped cream and chocolate covered strawberries. "You did like it didn't you?"

"I loved it! There isn't anything you made I didn't like, except the creme caramel. But that's only because I hate caramel. Oh! Can you spend the night at my place tonight? Since I stayed at yours."

"That I can, the shop is closed tomorrow so we can spend the rest of day together as well. If ya want anyways."

"Now that I don't have to worry about paying any more bills, I can call Brian and ask for time off. Must have accumulated around a hundred vacation days by now."

"I don't think ya ever told me where you worked."

"Oh just some publishing company, I work as an editor for the work everyone sends in. The latest one is some sort of adaptation of Noah as a comic, I'm surprised how accurate it is to the biblical tale."

"Heh, that old story? The flood was highly exaggerated if you ask me, if it could fit two of each animal then how come Noah didn't them all?"

"Or the dinosaurs, if the asteroid didn't get them all that millions of years ago. Aw well, I'm pretty exhausted from that party. I'm gonna hit the sack early, you coming?"

"You know it!"


Meanwhile near the Chocolate Hoglet, the two angels snuck inside and were turning everything upside down. "There's gotta be something he's hidden away in here." Paul grunted, lifting a large cake off its pedestal.

"Doesn't smell tainted to me, you think maybe he meant what he said?"

"George, we were always taught that demons are all evil. He's lying and I know it! Wish Jane was with us, as the virtue of Temperance she could counter his influence."

George was still unsure, he didn't know why, but he felt that the gluttonous demon was telling the truth. "Well I'm sure they don't mean any harm. What if the other sins have been down here before and we didn't notice?"


"Well.. It was just a thought, we've searched every nook and cranny but found nothing. We can go home and tell him there's nothing to worry about."

The older angel however wasn't convinced. "What about that human he's always with? He might know him most, we need to get all the info we can out of him!"

"But how? We can't just torture him, we all know it's useless."

"What we need is to lure him somewhere away from that demon. We can get him into our hideout, we have a lie detector there."

"Good, but it'll take a lot of convincing to get him in there. What if he doesn't know John's a demon?"

"Keeping secrets from him? Well then we'll just have to tell him. He won't step a foot near that fatty again."

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