Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

        Ethan's POV

        "You're so stupid, Ethan."

        "Why," I asked Everest as a smile grew on my face.

        "You just are."

        I chuckled at her answer, and grabbed the remote. "What are we gonna watch tonight, Ev?"

        She looked at me and shrugged. "I don't know, I can't see shit right now."

        I smiled at her response, because... well, I don't know why. It's like everything she does makes me smile. That loser just makes me so happy. She's the best, best friend out there.

        "Oh, okay. I'll wait. Go get your glasses," I told as I grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl.

        A minute later, she joined me on the couch wearing her glasses. She looked adorable. 

        "I wish I had at least decent eyesight. Everything is so blurry without them, dude. Thank god, I got contacts," she complained.

        "You know, you look cute in them." I couldn't help it. She looks so smart in them. I've always liked girls who wear glasses. Smart girls, god. It's a huge turn on.

        She looked at me with complete shock, and then a smile formed on her lips. Then, she did something I will never forget. 

        Everest scooted across the couch, and leaned in. Then, she kissed my cheek. 

        "What was that for?"

        She looked away, not letting me see her face. The small gesture made me really happy. Made my stomach warm.

        Finally, she looked at me, and I couldn't help but notice the faint blush in her cheeks. 

        "That was for you being such an idiot. Thanks though, I'll wear my glasses more often just for you, loser."

        It was that night I formed a little crush on my best friend.

        Eleven months ago, I knew for sure I had feelings for Everest.

     Lauren moved from Louisiana the next week, and I fell for her. We've been together for ten months now. I know for a fact I love Lauren, but that small crush on Everest still remains.



        "I love you," whispers Lauren as she grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

        "I love you too," I tell her.

        The bell rings and I lead Lauren to her first class. I kiss her goodbye, and go to my first class of the day.

        I walk into class, and sit next to Everest, like always.

        I feel bad for making her give my jacket to Lauren, but she loves me. She'll get over it.

        I turn in my desk to look at her and apologize. "Hey Ev, I'm sorry. It was a dick mo- wait, woah. Who's jacket is that?"

        She looks at me, and I look up to meet her gaze. She replies, "It's Christian's," and looks away. Okay, then.       

        "Hey, don't be like that," I plead. She looks me in the eye. She looks hurt, and I don't know why.

        "Fine. After I gave the jacket back to your girlfriend, I ran into Christian. Then, he gave me his jacket. Big fucking deal."

        She only cussed when she was complaining, joking around, or hurt. She was hurt, because of me.

        "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't know you wanted to wear it that badly..." I trailed off. She looked at me again with her hurt eyes.         

        "Ethan, it's fine. I have a jacket now." I was going to interject, but Mr. Derrik told everyone to sit and be quiet. 

        I looked at Everest, but she didn't notice. She was already writing down notes. She must've felt my gaze, because she glanced at me, but went back to work. I decided to just listen to the teacher.

        Everest's POV

        This jacket smelt so good. So fucking good. Mmm. 

        The next few classes went by in a flash, and it was time for lunch. I went through the line, and quickly got my food. I went to my usual table. I placed my tray next to Hannah, and sat down. Ethan and Lauren were no where to be found. I chose to shake it off, and enjoy my food.

        "Ev, that is not one of my brother's jackets," said Hannah as she playfully scowled.I just shrugged, and placed the fork full of spaghetti noodles in my mouth. Hannah and I talked for about another five minutes, when Lauren came and sat down in her usual seat. The seat that had a chair in between us. Ethan's chair, but no Ethan. 

        I was about to ask where Ethan was, when he, plopped in his usual chair beside me. He had a smudge on his neck. Lauren whispered something in his ear, and placed her lips on the smudge. Ethan shivered, and smirked. My stomach twisted, and I looked away. Hannah seemed to notice, because she gave me a sympathetic look. 

        "Everest," said a familiar voice.

        I turned around, and smiled up at Christian. He was a cutie. 

        I stood up, and started to take off the hoodie when I felt a cold hand brush against the skin on my hip. I shivered. I looked down, to see that the hand belonged to Ethan. His hand remained for a moment, but he dropped it. 

        "Your shirt was coming up. No one needed to see that," he said looking at me directly in the eye.        

        He looked away, and glared at Christian. Weird. 

        I handed the hood back to Christian, but he didn't take it. 

        "You can keep it for the rest of the day. I like to see you in my jacket, you look cute." I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, and suddenly the floor became interesting.

        I looked up, and smiled. It's not everyday a hot guy complimented me. I said a quick thanks, and sat down. I watched Christian as he walked away.

        "He's so into you, Ev," teased Hannah. 

        "I don't like him." My smile faltered. I looked at Ethan. His jaw was clenched , and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hot. 

        "Why not," I asked.

        He looked at me, and his eyes seemed to soften. "Just promise me you're not gonna do anything with him," he said with pleading eyes.

        I scoffed. "Yeah, cause I was planning on inviting him over tonight to have unprotected sex." Ethan just glared at me.

        "Ugh fine, no sex," I offered.

        "Everest, please."

        "Only for you Ethan," I said with a wink. 

        He grinned. "Good."






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