Just Another Realization

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Annabeth Chase:

I sighed and leaned back against the couch. Today had been crazy; I hadn't even had time to talk to Percy once. He's probably busy with the movie audition anyway.

It's been two days since the whole mall incident but it feels like it's been weeks. Within hours a video of Natalie and I singing had hit YouTube. And I've watched it a couple times; it's actually pretty funny to watch.

But we've been pretty busy. Percy had called and told me yesterday he was going to audition for a movie called "Stars and Stripes." All I really got from him was that it was about a marine who's looking for love...or something like that. So he's been working on that while I've been writing nonstop.

Valentine's day is in ten days and our manager wants us to release a CD filled with love songs for the big day. Terry just kind of shot that at us. She wants it to be all new songs, written and recorded in ten days. Though I know it's crazy to ask us to do that putting out a love song CD would be pretty sweet; plus it would probably sell well. Our album "To Teenaged Memories" will be coming out in March so it's also a way to advertise that.

So we agreed. Now it's non-stop music. I've been working on a song for the past three hours. I think I need a break. I stood up, my knees cracking as I did so. Owen glanced up at me but when back to playing his electric keyboard. He has his headphones plugged into the machine so only he can hear what notes he's playing; it's less distracting that way.

A.J was scribbling into a notebook and mumbling to herself. I passed her wordlessly; not wanting to disturb her. Natalie was sleeping and Matthew was out grocery shopping. I grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen and pulled out my laptop. When I got to YouTube I typed in Our Melting Pot.

Most of the videos were out performances, not a lot of them were good quality. Some were interviews we've done in the past. I clicked on a video that had a picture of Owen and I.

"I just want to say I think it's nice that Owen and Annabeth aren't dating! I mean there's nothing wrong with having a best friend who's a guy. It's refreshing. Besides we wouldn't want a band break up if they broke up!"

Oh it was a talk show type show. Hmm. Two women were sitting in chairs facing the camera. The one who was just talking seems to be older than the one on her right. A picture was pulled up between them. It was a picture of Owen and I during a performance. I was playing the guitar and smiling at him as I sang. He was grinning back.

"Maybe but Natalie and Matthew seemed to be doing okay! Why wouldn't Annabeth and Owen? I mean look at those smiles! Those are love-struck smiles Mindy!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled a little playfully. I don't know why but people always argue about this. I don't like Owen that way, no amount of arguing will change that. A new picture popped up. This one of Percy and I.

We were holding hands (We tend to do that a lot) and walking out of the mall. I was looking at my friends in front of me while Percy smiled down at me. His smile was soft, and his hair was falling into his eyes making him look adorable. His eyes though; they just seemed so...caring. He was looking at me like I was a million dollars.

"No Mel, that's a love-struck smile."

I didn't feel the need to watch the end of the video. I scrolled through a couple of the comments though.

XXX-OUR-MELTING-POT-FAN-XXX- I can't help but love this! I loved the idea of Owen and Annabeth together but after seeing that Percabeth picture I can't not ship them! PERCABETH FOREVER!

~muskrat lover~- Percabeth all the way! Owen had his chance!

PercabethShipper123- Guys I'm already committed to them. Why they didn't get together sooner I'll never know!

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