~ F O U R ~

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Why Did We Come Back?

Greyson Elliot giggled and knocked over the 6th glass of mysterious clear liquid.
She had no idea what she was even drinking at this point, but she really had to pee.

"I have to go to the bathroom." She laughed, standing up from the table and making her way out of the booth.

She walked to the bathroom and pushed her way into a stall.
While she was sitting down, she ran her hands through her hair and tried to remember more thing from her childhood.

All the best memories, the ones that stuck out to her, were always filled with Stanley.
Riding on the back of his bike.
Talking to him about birds.

She also remembered running.
She ran everywhere, a lot.
She couldn't remember why though.

She remembered Bowers.
That horrible boy clearly had mommy issues.
Or daddy issues. Probably both, who didn't back then?

Then the lights flickered, very creepily.
They went out completely, leaving Grey in utter darkness.
This was what she was waiting for. The sickening feeling something would go wrong.

"Hello?" She called out, her voice quivering.
The lights cut back on.
"Sorry, I thought there was no one in here." A voice called back.

She let out a breath of relief, and smiled.
"Yes, sorry. I'm in here."

The bathroom door shut, and she stood up.
She stepped out of the stall, and walked to the sink, running the cold wasted that just couldn't turn to warm.

Her complexion was shaken and sloppy.
Probably from all the laughter and antics out there.

But she could be sworn...her reflection blinked a second too late.
She stared at herself, col water creating a pool in the sink.

She brought her hand up, and waved it back and forth. Everything was totally normal.
She was just being paranoid.

Until she put her arm down.
And in the mirror, her arm stayed up.

She gasped and leaned back, staring closer at the reflection.
It wasn't just her reflection anymore. It was an evil imagine of her.

Her relection's smile rew upwards into a devilish grin and waved at her.
The lights flickered more, and Grey started gasping, backing away from the mirror.

Before she made it more than two steps, her evil mirrored twin grabbed her by the head, pulling her down. Her face splashed into the water in the sink, and Grey screamed, bubbles rising up around her face.

She tried to get up out but the evil mirror twin held her head in the water, restricting her from breathing. The freezing water took the breath from her lungs and started staining red around her.

Finally the hands let her go, and she stood up, gasping for breath.
Her reflection was back to normal, and the lights had stopped flickering.

The water she wa trying to cough up was gone, and her face was no longer wet.
Except for the blood trickling from her nose.


Grey had got up to use the bathroom a little while ago, and the rest of the group sat at the table. Something was off about Mike though, as he had started to talk about... it.

"You remember something we don't, don't you Mike?" Stanley asked him.
He nodded and tilted his head.

"Something happens to you when you leave this town." His voice grew grave and heavier than the happy attitude from before.
"The farther away, the hazier it all gets. But me... I never left."

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