~ E L E V E N ~

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Round Two

Greyson Elliot jumped down in the disgusting water, not missing a second of this.
It was rank down here.

"Ugh, grey water." Eddie grumbled.
Richie turned around and smiled at her. "Hey, you-"
"Not a word." She interrupted.

They waded through shit water, shining their flashlights over antagonizing, filthy walls.
Grey's hand hurt really badly, and she held it tightly, walking along beside Stanley.

He stayed beside her, as much as he wanted to hide behind her.
Or bette yet, turn around and go home right now.
Take Grey with him and make her ditch that stupid fiancé of her's.

They crawled through more narrow spaces in fearful silence, until they made it to the cavern where they knew the kids mountain of belongings resided.

But it seemed eerily empty.
"Shit, this is it." Ben cursed. "This is where it happened."

They dropped down into the water, that was up to their ribcages now, and swam towards the storm cover in the center.

Eddie was holding his arms up and shaking his head.
"No, nope, nope, no, no..." he swerved around trash, and Grey started laughing.
"Shut up!" He yelled at her, which only made her laugh more.

It funny and distracting enough to take away from the pain in her fingers, which she let go of.
The losers climbed up on the debris and trash to get to the cover.

"God I hate this." Stanley groaned, shaking the dirty water off of his hands.
"Bev, what it is?" Ben asked.

The group turned around to look at her.
She was staring off onto the tunnels, shining her flashlight at nothing.

She turned back around slowly, shrugging hesitantly.
"I thought I heard someth-"

A tall figure burst from the water, rising up to and inexplicable height and grabbing Bev, who was screaming.

The losers jumped with fright as the monstrous, rotting lady grabbed and cackled.
"Time to sink!"

They went underwater, Bev screaming all the way down.
Bill jumped in, quickly followed by everyone else.
Grey shook with fright, remembering getting pulled in too.

"Eddie, Stanley come on!!" She yelled, jumping in after them.
She went deep down, spotting her friends.
She didn't remember it being this deep.

Bev has escaped the lady's grasp, and the fought to get her back up.
But they were really deep down.

Like... really deep.
And they were surrounded by murky blackness.
And Grey couldn't breathe.

And not just like, she couldn't breathe in the water.
Like she actually couldn't feel the air in her lungs.
And her head was spinning.
And her heart was racing.
And there was blood spreading through the water around her head.

She held her head with her hands, slowly sinking along with her realization.
She was having a panic attack.

A hand grabbed her arm, and she screamed.
She swatted at it while bubbles filled the water around her.

Mike pulled her up with everyone else, away from the murky water and the red cloud of blood.
They crashed through the surface, gasping for breathe.

She hugged Mike's arm, trying to catch her breath.
"Bev are you okay?" She huffed.
She nodded, and Eddie was practically having a heart attack up there, along with Stanley.

"Mike, where are we going?" Richie asked.
They crawled up the mound, and Stanley's face was laced concern.

"Your nose is bleeding." He told her.
"That's the first time tonight." She smiled, patting his shoulder like everything was just peachy, and gathering around the crate.

"What's on the other side?" Bev asked.
Mike shook his head. "I don't know. No one does."

He leaned down, opening it up and shining his light in there.
It just looked like more well.
Brick upon brick in a disgusting hole that was full of more water.

"Here we go." He sat down at the edge of the hole, with his legs dangling in.
"See you on the other side."

"Wait, dude!" He jumped in, falling down the sewer well.
"Mike!" "Don't!"
He departed with a string of warning from everybody, for falling all the way down a mysterious hole.

They sighed reluctantly, one by one dropping into the hole and falling down into the abyss.
They had to follow their friend, no matter what.

Eddie fidgeted with his hands.
"No, no I can't do it."
Richie turned around, giving him a quick pep talk.

Stanley shook his head too. "Can we uh... how about you know, we stay out here and keep watch? Like last time, you know? That way we can..."
Grey rolled her eyes, interrupted Stanley's rambling.

"Stanley, you know that you can do this."
He shook his head.
"How are you so sure of that?"

She smiled and laughed.
"Because I know your super brave, and smart, and I can't believe I have to keep reminding you of this."

She pressed her lips to his, kissing him for a long second before back omg away from him.
"And beside, I also know you'd do just about anything to keep me safe."

He raised an eyebrow. "What?"
She took one step back and hopped into the deep well, falling down into wherever the rest of them went.

"Grey!" Stan shouted.
With zero hesitation this time, he swung his legs over the side, hopping down after her.

With zero hesitation this time, he swung his legs over the side, hopping down after her

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