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Round One

Greyson Elliot ran with her friends towards Neibolt, feeling an awfully familiar feeling as Bill turned to look at them from the top step.

"Bill!" Bev shouted.
"N...no! No you guys, no!" Grey spotted Bill old bike, Silver, laying in the road.
"I'm the one who s-started all of this, it's m-my fault you're all here!"

He looked down at all of us, clenching his fists.
"This curse, this fucking thing that inside you all! It started growing the day that I m...m-made you all go down to the barrens cause all I cared about was finding G...G-Georgie."

They looked down with sad expressions.
"N-Now I'm gonna go in there," he pointed in the house. "And I don't know what going to happen but I can't ask you to-to do this!"

Beverly leaned down and grabbed the metal prodded on the ground.
"Yah? Well we're not asking you either."
"We didn't do it alone then Bill." Mike reminded him. "And we're not doing it alone now."

"Losers stuck together." Ben nodded.
Grey smiled. "Besides, you'd miss us too much down there!"

They stood in a heroic silence for a couple more seconds, before Eddie sighed.
"So does somebody want to say something, or..."
"Richie said it the b-b-best when we were here last."

"I did?" He asked. "I don't want to die?"
"No." Bill still wore a brace face.
"You're lucky we're not measuring dicks?"

The losers looked at him with obvious, uncomfortable looks.
"Let's kill this fucking clown?"

Bill laughed in confirmation.
Richie nodded. "Let's kill this fucking clown!"
Grey whooped and ran up the steps towards the front door, being quickly pulled back by Stanley.

"Okay, let's not go running straight in there though." He laughed awkwardly.
She sighed and rolled her eyes.
"We were really in a mood there and you ruined it."

The losers tentatively walked into the house, shining their flashlights in dusty corners that started to become all too familiar to them.

Richie glanced over at the webbing of vines and dust, remembering the Missing kid poster with his face on it.

Acidic blood poured down the stairs, startling Stanley.
"Well I love what he's done with the place."
"Beep beep Richie." Bev mumbled.

The losers split into different rooms, Bill walking into the kitchen like room.
"Wasn't the wellhouse in here?" Grey asked him.

From the other room, they could hear Ben's screams.
They whipped around, and the door slam shut.
"No, no, no no, Ben!!" The shouted.
Richie, Bill, and Grey hit the door, trying to get it open, while Eddie stood behind them.

Another loud pound came, but this time from the fridge behind them.
They stopped hitting the door, and spun around.

"Uh... guys?" Eddie pointed his flashlight at it, and it popped open.
There was a mangled up body inside, making the adults groan with disgust.

In several terrifying cracks, the head turned up to look at them.
It was Stanley, as a child.
Grey's blood ran cold at the horribly dead looking kid.

Richie nodded. "It's Stan."
The head screamed at them, making them flinch.
Grey screamed and jumped behind Richie, peeking at the kid from behind him.

His head fell off, rolling across the floor like a tumbleweed.
They screamed and pressed themselves against the wall, Grey still trying to hide behind Richie.
Bill subtly stood in front of Eddie who pressed himself stiffly against the door frame.

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